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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Preventing excess gas

Preventing excess gas

Too much gas typically is caused by the incomplete absorption of certain starches and sugars during digestion. Bacteria
in your intestine then ferment the sugars, forming gas. To
prevent excess gas:
• Limit gassy foods
The worst gas-formers are beans and other legumes, wheat
and wheat bran, cabbage, onions, Brussels sprouts, sauerkraut,
apricots, bananas and prunes. Milk and other dairy products
also can cause gas if you have reduced amounts of lactase,
the enzyme needed to digest lactose, the main sugar in milk.
• Consider taking anti-gas products
Bea no, a food enzyme, helps improve the digestion of
gas-forming foods. Nonprescription medications such as
simethi cone (Gas-X, Mylicon) or antacids that also have
simethicone (such as the anti-gas formulations of Maalox
or Mylanta), may relieve gas.
• Eat fewer fatty foods
Fatty meats, fried foods, cream sauces and gravies tend to
increase gas and bloating. And they can contribute to unwanted
weight gain.
• Limit sugar substitutes
Many healthy people poorly absorb sorbitol and mannitol
contained in some sugar-free foods, candies and gums. The
amount of sorbitol contained in five sticks of sugar-free gum
can cause gas and diarrhea in some people.
• Consider products for lactose intolerance, if needed
If you have trouble digesting milk sugar (lactose), this may
cause gas. Consider buying lactose-reduced or lactose-free
products. Or consider products with the lactose enzyme (such
as Dairy Ease or Lactaid), which can help you digest lactose.


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