Treating back pain at home
Back pain usually resolves within two to three weeks by tak-ing the simple self-care measures noted below. But contact
your doctor immediately if your back pain is the result of a
fall or blow to your back, it causes weakness or numbness in
one or both legs, or it causes new bladder or bowel problems.
• Apply cold, then heat
Apply ice four times a day — but no longer than 20 minutes
at a time. Put ice in a plastic bag, then wrap the bag in a cloth
or towel to keep a thin barrier between it and your skin. After
acute pain subsides, usually within the first two days, try a
heating pad (low setting), heat lamp, warm compress or take
a warm bath. Limit each heat application to 20 minutes. To
avoid burns, don’t fall asleep while using a heat source.
Consider setting a timer to turn off the heat source or to
awaken you if you do happen to fall asleep.
• Use over-the-counter medications if needed
Acetaminophen may help control pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, also can reduce
inflammation. Read labels and use the recommended doses
unless your doctor advises otherwise. Check with your doctor
if you’re taking other medications. Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
• Combine rest with gentle movement
Get plenty of rest, but avoid prolonged bed rest. Staying in
bed more than two days may slow your recovery. Moderate
movement keeps your muscles strong and flexible. Avoid
heavy lifting, pushing or pulling.
Living with arthritis:
Assistive devices
If you have arthritis, assistive devices may allow you to be
more independent with daily tasks. Consider these options:
• Hand aids
Look for aids that provide a wide-diameter grip. Many pens,
for example, have thin shafts that force you to grasp them
with a tightly closed fist. A foam or plastic sleeve that slides
over the pen can correct this problem.
• Grooming and personal hygiene
If you have limited range of motion, use long-handled brushes
and combs. Consider bathing aids such as long-handled sponges
and brushes, bath benches and grab bars. Use an electric tooth-brush, a Radius toothbrush or one with a foam handle. Use
mirrors with foam rubber handles for an easier grasp.
• Getting dressed
Buy a shoehorn with an extension handle and use a stocking
aid to help pull on hosiery. Look for tools that grip buttons
and zippers. Sew elasticized Velcro tabs onto shirt cuffs. Select
wraparound skirts or stretch trousers if limited range of
motion makes dressing a challenge. Try clip-on neckties.
• In the kitchen
Put everything that you use often within easy reach. Store fre-quently used cookware and utensils in cabinets at hip-to-shoul-der height. Consider a single-lever faucet so it’s less taxing on
your finger joints. Use an electric can opener and electric knife.
• Cleaning your home
Use a long-handled mop, dustpan and broom. Keep cleaning
supplies on each floor and store supplies within easy reach.
Avoid unnecessary bending or stooping.
Spotting skin cancer
Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of the three types
of skin cancer. Even melanoma, the deadliest form, can usually
be successfully treated if caught early. And remember, no
matter what your age, minimizing your exposure to ultraviolet
(UV) light will help reduce your risk of skin cancer and
premature aging.
• Melanoma
Although melanoma can occur in normal skin, it often develops
in a pre-existing mole or other dark spot. Examine your moles
and look for these ABCDs:
A symmetry. One half of the mole doesn’t match the
other half.
B order irregularity. The edges are often ragged, notched,
blurred or irregular, and the pigment may spread into the
surrounding skin.
C olor. The mole may have shades of black, brown and
tan, or areas of white, gray, red, pink or blue.
D iameter. Melanomas are typically larger than a pencil
eraser, although early melanomas may be smaller.
Also look for changes in the surface of a mole, scaliness,
oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump, spread of
pigment from the border into the surrounding skin, itchiness,
tenderness, or pain.
• Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
This may appear as a small, raised, smooth, shiny or pearly
bump that’s whitish to pink in color. Over time, it may crust,
ulcerate and bleed. BCC is slow growing and rarely invades
internal organs, but it can spread to nearby tissues if left
• Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Most often this type of skin cancer appears as a raised, scaly,
crusty or wart-like bump, ranging in size from a pea to a
chestnut. SCC can spread internally if left untreated.
Guarding against dry skin
With age, oil glands become less active. Your skin is less able
to replenish the oils and fluids removed by soap and water. To
guard against the drying effects of bathing, try these tips:
• Limit frequency
Bathing once a day or every other day is sufficient for most
• Limit time and temperature
Use warm (not hot) water for a maximum of 15 minutes.
• Select soaps carefully
Choose superfatted, nonsudsing soaps that clean without remov-ing natural oil. This includes brands such as Basis, Purpose
and others. Soap substitutes in bar, gel and liquid forms are less
drying than are deodorant and antibacterial soaps.
• Limit use of soap
Limit use of soap to your face, underarms, genital areas,
hands and feet. Using clear water on the other areas of your
body cleans adequately most of the time.
• Pat dry, don’t rub
When toweling dry, pat your skin gently. Or brush your skin
rapidly with the palms of your hands.
• Seal in moisture
While still damp, lubricate your skin with an oil or cream,
especially on your legs, arms, back and sides. A heavy mois-turizer (water-in-oil formula) is longer lasting than a light
cream that contains more water than oil (oil-in-water formula).
Controlling dandruff
Try these suggestions to control common dandruff:
• Shampoo regularly
Start with a mild, nonmedicated shampoo. Gently massage
your scalp to loosen flakes. Rinse thoroughly.
• Use medicated shampoo for stubborn cases
Look for those containing pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, coal
tar or selenium sulfide in brands such as Denorex, Head &
Shoulders, Neutrogena T/Gel, Selsun Blue or Tegrin. For best
results, use a dandruff shampoo each time you shampoo.
• Use tar-based shampoos carefully
These shampoos are strong dandruff deterrents, but they can
leave a brownish stain on light-colored or gray hair. They can
also make your scalp more sensitive to the sun. Check the
label for ingredients.
• Treat your hair gently
Dandruff shampoos can be harsh on your hair and scalp. Use
a conditioner regularly. For mild cases of dandruff, alternate
dandruff shampoo with your regular shampoo.
• See a dermatologist
If dandruff persists or if your scalp becomes irritated or
severely itchy, you may need a prescription shampoo. An
antifungal cream called ketoconazole (Nizoral) often works
against dandruff and is available as a shampoo.
Ensuring proper lighting
Increase overall lighting in your home to compensate for your
need for more light as you get older. Make sure rooms have
uniform lighting from several sources.
• Position lights appropriately
Concentrate light on close work by using adjustable goose-neck lamps and lights underneath kitchen cabinets. The finer
your task, the more light you need. Position lights for reading
to shine from over your shoulder. Use lampshades that com-pletely shield the bulb so that light is directed up and down,
not into your eyes.
• Turn down glare
Replace glaring ceiling fixtures with wall or floor lamps that
direct light upward. Choose matte surfaces instead of shiny
tabletops and highly polished floors that reflect light into your
eyes. Select a nonglossy, off-white paint for walls. This type of
surface maximizes light in a room without creating glare.
• Use natural light wisely
Design skylights with light wells that provide reflected light,
not direct sunlight. On windows, install blinds that allow you
to direct light upward to reflect off the ceiling. This offers
uniform illumination and minimizes glare.
Protecting your eyes
from the sun
Choose sunglasses that:
• Provide maximum protection from UV light
Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light increases your
chance of cataracts. The greater the blockage of UV light, the
lower your risk of damage. Choose lenses that block 99 percent
to 100 percent of ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)
light. Check the label.
• Reduce glare
Choose sunglasses that are dark enough to reduce glare —
light that bounces off smooth surfaces such as pavement,
water, sand and snow — but not so dark that it’s hard to read
traffic signals. Polarized lenses decrease glare, but make sure
they also provide maximum UV light protection.
• Fit close to your face
To minimize UV light that can enter from the sides, buy
wraparound sunglasses.
• Meet your needs
Sunglasses that meet the above criteria don’t need to be
expensive. If you wear glasses for vision problems, ask your
eye doctor about transition lenses that protect your eyes by
darkening automatically when you’re out in the sun. However,
it takes time for the lenses to darken and lighten in different
lighting conditions, so make sure these types of lenses meet
your needs.
Preventing noise-induced
hearing loss
Repeated exposure to loud noise and even a one-time exposure
to loud noise can damage the delicate, sound-sensitive hair
cells in your inner ear. This type of hearing loss is irreversible
but preventable. To protect your hearing:
• Lower the volume on your TV and stereo
Choose personal stereos with an automatic volume limiter.
• Turn down the volume on headphones
By directing sound into your ear, headphones can produce
levels loud enough to damage your hearing. Hold your headset
an arm’s length away. If you can hear the sound, the volume
is probably too high.
• Muffle the sound
Noise can be damaging if you have to raise your voice to be
heard by someone an arm’s length away. Wear earplugs or
earmuffs when you’re around noisy tools, equipment or
firearms. Use commercially made devices that meet federal
standards. Make sure the protectors fit snugly. Don’t use
cotton earplugs. They’re ineffective and can become lodged
in your ear canal.
• Have your hearing tested
If you’re frequently around loud noise, have your hearing
checked annually. A hearing test can detect mild hearing loss
before the damage is obvious or disabling.
Choosing a hearing aid
You can greatly increase your satisfaction with a hearing aid
by following these suggestions:
• Learn about the choices
Hearing aids come in many styles and sizes — from small
ones that fit completely in the ear canal to larger ones that fit
in or behind the ear. The components can be analog or digital.
The disposable “one-size fits-all” hearing aids can’t comfort-ably fit everyone, so discuss all options with your audiologist.
• List your priorities
When people buy hearing aids, they typically face a trade-off
among three factors — cost, performance and size. If you
rank those factors, it’ll help you and your audiologist make a
• Find out what meets your needs
Make sure you understand why a specific type of hearing aid
is recommended and how it will meet your needs. Don’t
assume the latest, most expensive model is best. Practice put-ting the battery in and taking it out until you can do it easily.
• Buy on a trial basis
A hearing aid should come with a 30- to 60-day trial period and
a warranty. Get the terms of the trial period in writing. Also ask
how long the warranty lasts — preferably one or two years —
what is and isn’t covered, what the return policy is, and what
symptom relief. Oral decongestants or anti-allergy nasal
sprays may help. Avoid decongestant nasal sprays because
they can worsen nasal congestion. Ask your doctor for advice.
• Pinpoint the offender
If medications aren’t effective, a skin test may help identify
the substance you’re allergic to (allergen). Tiny amounts of
suspected allergens are introduced into the skin by multiple
pricks, scratches or injections. Be sure a doctor who special-izes in allergic diseases does the test.
• Consider allergy shots
If you have a severe, recurrent allergy, or if allergy medica-tions aren’t working, allergy shots may help to desensitize
your system. Begin them at least six months before your
allergy season starts.
Soothing minor sore
throat pain
To help relieve a sore throat, try the tips below. However,
see your doctor if you’re exposed to strep or have any of
these signs or symptoms: fever, nausea, vomiting, sw ollen
neck glands, difficulty breathing or swallowing, tonsils with
pus, or severe pain that doesn’t improve in a few days.
Drink lots of liquids
Being well-hydrated helps keep mucus thin and easy to clear.
• Gargle with warm salt water
Mix about a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water to
soothe and help clear your throat of mucus.
• Suck on lozenges or hard candy, or chew
sugar-free gum
These products stimulate secretion of saliva, which bathes and
cleanses your throat.
• Consider taking pain relievers
Over-the-counter analgesics such as acetaminophen or
ibuprofen may temporarily help relieve sore throat pain.
• Rest your voice
If your sore throat involves an inflamed larynx, talking a lot
may lead to more irritation and temporary loss of your voice.
• Humidify the air
Adding moisture to the air prevents drying of mucous
membranes and the resulting irritation.
• Avoid air pollutants
Don’t smoke. Avoid smoke-filled rooms and fumes from
household cleaners or paint.
Battling bad breath
Occasional bad breath is usually due to bacteria, certain foods
or a dry mouth. When bad breath doesn’t respond to self-care,
ask your dentist to check for gum disease or poor-fitting dental
work or see your doctor for a possible medical cause. To fight
bad breath:
• Brush and floss after you eat
Good dental hygiene is the best way to prevent odor.
• Brush your tongue
Giving your tongue, including the back of your tongue, a good
brushing removes dead cells, bacteria and food debris. Some
people may benefit from using a tongue scraper, available at
many pharmacies.
• Chew sugar-free gum
The action stimulates flow of saliva to prevent dry mouth and
to wash away food particles and bacteria.
• Rinse your mouth with water
Periodically swish your mouth with water to help keep it clean.
• Don’t smoke
Smoking dries out your mouth and causes its own unpleasant
mouth odor.
• Cut down on odor-causing foods and beverages
The most likely offenders are garlic, onions, fish, milk, eggs,
legumes, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, coffee and alcohol.
• Carry mouthwash or breath mints
Not all mouthwashes fight bacteria, but they disguise bad
breath. The strong oils in peppermint, spearmint and winter-green also cover up odor.
Choosing toothpaste and
Use toothpaste that has fluoride, the best defense against
decay. Here’s an analysis of some of the claims made by
toothpaste and mouth-rinsing products:
• Plaque control
Some products claim to remove plaque or kill bacteria that
can cause plaque. But all toothpastes remove some plaque if
you brush and floss well.
• Tartar control
Anti-tartar pastes can help prevent a buildup of tartar, but no
toothpaste can remove tartar — that takes a professional
cleaning. In addition, an anti-tartar paste may increase your
teeth’s sensitivity to cold.
• Desensitizing pastes
These products contain chemicals that block pain perception
in your teeth. Sensitive teeth may be a sign, however, of a
problem that needs treatment, not cover up.
Baking soda pastes
Baking soda is a mild abrasive and stain remover, but when
wet it loses some of its stain-removing power.
• Extra whiteners
Some of these toothpastes contain strong abrasives that may
be harsh on delicate gum tissue.
• Mouthwashes
If certified by the American Dental Association as plaque fight-ers, these products can complement dental care by protecting
surfaces you may have missed when brushing and flossing.
Controlling painful leg cramps
Several factors, including dehydration, use of diuretics or
overuse of your muscles, can trigger leg cramps. They usually
occur during rest or sleep. Your doctor may prescribe quinine
or a muscle relaxant if you have frequent leg cramps.
To prevent leg cramps:
• Stretch daily
At least three times a day, including before bedtime, stretch
your calves and feet. Stand two to three feet from a wall,
placing your hands on the wall. Keep your heels on the floor.
Lean toward the wall and bend one knee. Hold for 15 to 30
seconds. Straighten your leg. Repeat with the other knee.
Stretch each leg at least three times.
• Drink plenty of liquids daily
Fluids help your muscles contract and relax.
To relieve leg cramps:
• Stretch and massage
Straighten your leg and point your toes upward while you
gently rub the cramp to help the muscle relax.
• Stand up
For a calf cramp, put your weight on the cramped leg and slight-ly bend your knee. For a thigh cramp, keep both legs straight
and lean forward at the waist. Use a chair to steady yourself.
• Apply cold or heat
Use a cold pack to relax tense muscles. Use a warm towel or
heating pad later if you have pain and tenderness.
Self-care tips for varicose veins
If you have varicose veins, try to improve circulation:
• Wear compression stockings
Wearing compression stockings is often the first approach to
try before other treatments. These stockings are sold at most
pharmacies and medical supply stores. Using a tape measure,
you or your pharmacist can measure your legs to ensure you get
the right size and fit according to the size chart on the package.
• Walk
Walking is a great way to get the blood circulating in your legs.
Ask your doctor about an appropriate activity level for you.
• Elevate your legs
When sitting or lying down, elevate your legs above the level
of your heart. Do this 10 to 15 minutes three or four times daily.
• Don’t sit or stand for long periods
Change your position frequently. During long car trips, stop
to take a brief walk every couple of hours. On flights, walk
through the cabin about once every hour. Don’t sit with your
legs crossed. Remember to wear your compression stockings
when traveling.
• Watch what your wear
Panty-leg girdles can restrict circulation. Avoid high heels.
• Control your weight
Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins.
Shopping for shoes
For healthier and more comfortable feet, try these tips:
• Don’t buy shoes with pointed toes or high heels
Pointed shoes cramp your toes and can lead to foot problems
such as ingrown nails, calluses, corns or bunions. High heels
can cause back problems by forcing you to lean back to
compensate for the forward tilt of your heel.
• Select laced shoes
Laced shoes generally offer more room and adjustable sup-port. Get ample room for your toes. Athletic shoes are ideal.
Other good selections are strapped sandals and soft, roomy
pumps with cushioned insoles for women.
• Wear shoes made of soft leather
Good choices include calfskin or suede. Vinyl and rubber
encourage perspiration, which can irritate your skin.
• Shop for shoes in the early afternoon
Feet swell as the day goes on. If you buy shoes in the morn-ing, they may feel too tight later on. Getting fitted at the end
of the day may give you a fit that’s too roomy in the morning.
• Have your feet measured
Shoe size can change as you age or put on weight. Your arches
tend to relax with age, and you may need larger, wider shoes.
• Stretch your shoes
To perfect your fit and relieve pressure points, consider having
a shoe shop stretch your shoes at any spot that rubs.
Staying ahead of athlete’s foot
The fungus that causes this itchy rash thrives in the warm,
dark, wet environment between your toes. The key is keeping
your feet dry.
• Select well-ventilated shoes
Wear sandals, leather shoes or athletic styles with ventilation
holes that allow feet to breathe. Avoid shoes made of synthetic
materials, such as vinyl or rubber.
• Alternate shoes
Don’t wear the same pair every day. Change wet shoes imme-diately. Don’t store out-of-season styles in plastic.
• Protect your feet in high-risk areas
Wear waterproof sandals or shoes around public pools, showers
and locker rooms.
• Wear acrylic socks
When wearing closed-toe shoes, wear socks made of synthetic
fibers such as acrylic or polypropylene that wick away mois-ture. Cotton socks tend to absorb moisture from your feet.
• Change damp socks
If your feet sweat, change your socks twice a day.
• Use antifungal medications
For recurring infections, use an antifungal medication such
as clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF), terbinafine (Lamisil-AT) or
miconazole (Micatin, Zeasorb-AF). If an infection lasts longer
than four weeks, see your doctor.
Preventing and treating corns
and calluses
• Wear comfortable shoes
Wear shoes that don’t cramp your toes. Consider soft, leather
shoes or open-toed sandals. Soft insoles cushion your feet.
• Adjust your walking style
An improper gait, such as walking on the sides of your feet,
can produce calluses and corns. If you tend to wear down
one side of the heel of your shoes, you may be shifting your
weight unevenly as you walk. Ask your primary care doctor
or podiatrist if a shoe insert (orthotic) could help distribute
your weight more evenly.
• Safeguard your skin
Pharmacies and medical supply stores have a variety of
products such as tufts of lamb’s wool, moleskin pads and toe
coverings to protect your skin.
• Try home treatment
Gently rub thickened skin with a towel or pumice stone after
bathing. Don’t try to remove all of the toughened skin at once
— this process may take a week or longer. Don’t trim a corn
or callus, especially if you have diabetes or circulation
problems — you might introduce an infection. If you have
diabetes or circulation problems, avoid over-the-counter foot
care products that have salicylic acid.
• Get professional help
If a corn or callus becomes ulcerated or sore, see your doctor.
Don’t delay, especially if you have diabetes or circulation
problems — a simple problem can quickly turn into a
serious one.
Warming up cold hands
and feet
If your hands and feet always seem to be cold, try these
simple measures to keep warm:
• Wear warm clothes
This will keep your whole body warm and help maintain circu-lation to your hands and feet. Layer clothing for indoor as well
as outdoor wear. Try wearing a long-sleeved, silk camisole or
shirt under a blouse or sweater, topped by a wool jacket for in-door dress. Use warmth-conserving fabrics such as silk, wool or
down, or synthetic fabrics such as polypropylene or Thinsulate.
• Exercise
During activity, small, surface blood vessels dilate and more
warm blood flows to your hands and feet. The effect can last
for several hours.
• Avoid nicotine and limit caffeine
Both are vasoconstrictors that narrow blood vessels and
reduce blood flow to small, surface vessels.
• Avoid certain medications
Certain migraine medications with ergot derivatives and beta
blockers such as propranolol act as vasoconstrictors and may
cause cold hands and feet. If you suspect that a medication
might be causing such symptoms, talk with your doctor, but
don’t make changes to your medication regimen without your
doctor’s advice.
• Reduce stress
Tense, high-strung people seem more likely to have cold
hands. Chronic stress and anxiety can cause your nervous
system to continually pump out adrenaline. This hormone
also acts as a vasoconstrictor.
Do’s and don’ts
for avoiding infections
Follow these tips to help lower your risk of infections:
• Do practice good hygiene
Wash your hands before handling food, after using the bath-room and after handling pets. Wash your hands often when
you have a cold.
• Don’t share eating or drinking utensils
That’s a good way to spread infections.
• Do cook certain foods thoroughly — especially
hamburger — to kill bacteria
Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat or poultry, raw seafood or
raw eggs. Don’t drink or cook with unpasteurized milk.
• Don’t drink water that’s likely contaminated That includes, for example, water from streams or lakes near
campsites or hiking trails.
• Don’t put your fingers in your mouth or eyes
Doing so transmits germs.
Do avoid contact with ticks and rodents
Stay away from these and other disease carriers.
• Do keep up to date with vaccinations
They can protect you from life-threatening infectious diseases.
• Do recognize signs of generalized infections
Signs and symptoms include, for example, fever, sweats and
chills. For skin infections, look for redness and warmth.
• Don’t delay contacting your doctor if you’re sick
Many serious infections are treatable in the early stages.
• Don’t expect an antibiotic each time you’re sick Antibiotics don’t help with some common infections, and over-use encourages the growth of drug-resistant microorganisms.
Fending off the flu
To help prevent any illness, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep,
exercise regularly and wash your hands often. A flu (influenza)
shot is recommended for anyone who wants to reduce the risk
of flu, but especially for the high-risk groups below.
• Who needs a flu shot?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
annual flu shots for the groups below.
1. People at high risk of complications from the flu, including:
• Children age 6 months until their 5th birthday
• Children 5 years of age or older and adults with a chronic
condition (such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease)
• Pregnant women
• Adults age 50 and older
• Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care
2. People who live with or care for those at high risk of
complications from the flu, including:
• Caregivers and household contacts of anyone at high risk
• Household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children
under 6 months old (these children are too young to get
the flu shot)
• Health care workers
• Who should avoid flu shots?
Flu shots are safe for almost everyone. However, if you’ve had
a serious reaction to a dose of flu vaccine, or are allergic to
eggs, or have history of Guillain-Barré syndrome, ask your
doctor for advice.
• What’s the best time for a flu shot?
Flu shots need updating every year because the virus strains
change frequently. It’s best to get your flu shot in October
or November for protection in the peak of the flu season
(December through March).
• What are the side effects?
Some people may have a minor reaction, such as soreness
at the injection site, mild muscle aches or a slight fever for
a couple of days afterward.
Avoiding food and drug
When taking a prescription or nonprescription medication:
• Read the label and all printed information
Nonprescription products print information on the package.
Prescription drugs generally come with information fact
sheets and may have warning stickers on the container.
• Don’t mix medications into food unless advised
Acid or minerals in certain foods can alter some drug
ingredients. Breaking apart pills can destroy special coatings
that protect your stomach or the medication, or that create the
time-release mechanism of some drugs (which allows slow,
uniform absorption).
• Don’t mix medicine into hot beverages
Heat can destroy or alter drug ingredients.
• Don’t consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice
with medications
A substance found in grapefruit and its juice can alter the
effects of several drugs, sometimes causing a buildup of
medication, which could become toxic. One example is
atorvastatin (Lipitor), which is used for high cholesterol.
• Avoid alcohol
Alcohol can increase or reduce a drug’s effects or increase
side effects.
• Don’t take a vitamin and mineral supplement
or antacids at the same time as your medication
unless your doctor approves
Some nutrients can bind with drug ingredients, reducing their
absorption and limiting their effectiveness.
• Tell your doctor if you’re taking herbal
Many herbal supplements have known interactions with
medications, and others haven’t been thoroughly tested for
interactions. While you’re on medications, check with your
doctor or pharmacist before adding herbal supplements.
• Take medication as recommended
Some drugs are better absorbed with food to reduce the risk
of stomach irritation or upset. Other drugs may be better
absorbed when taken with a full glass of water an hour or
two before meals. Follow your doctor’s or pharmacist’s
Asking the right questions
about your medications
Whether you’re taking a prescription drug or one you buy
over-the-counter, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or pharma-cist questions. Keep a list of the medications and doses
readily available in your purse or wallet.
• What’s the name of the medication?
Learn both the generic and brand names.
• Why are you taking it?
It’s critical that you understand the purpose of the medication.
Knowing why your doctor has recommended a particular
medication will increase the chances that you take the med-ication appropriately and receive the intended benefit.
• What effect can you expect?
How will the drug make you feel? How soon can you expect
results? Some drugs take days or weeks to have an effect.
• How much, when and how long should you take it?
Make sure the directions make sense. “Four times daily”
could mean with each meal and at bedtime or every six hours,
including the middle of the night.
• Are there restrictions?
Some foods can interfere with the effectiveness of a drug.
Alcohol also can interfere and cause certain side effects. In
addition, some drugs can make you sensitive to sunlight.
• What are the side effects?
What are common side effects? Which side effects may go
away with time? Which side effects should prompt you to
contact your doctor?
• What do you do if you miss a dose?
Do you take it as soon as you remember or wait until the next
dose is due?
• Are there alternatives?
Do other drugs or treatments cost less or have fewer side
effects? Will a generic drug provide the same benefit?
Getting the most from a visit
to your doctor
Make the best use of a short time that you have for your
• Arrive on time
Promptness helps ensure an unhurried visit.
• Know your own and your family’s medical history
Your previous medical conditions and those of blood-related
family members are important. Be prepared to discuss them in
detail with your doctor.
• Bring someone along if you feel comfortable
An extra set of ears can help. Someone else may help think
of additional questions or help you understand instructions.
• Bring a list of concerns
Once you’re in the doctor’s office, it’s easy to forget health
issues you want to discuss. A list will jog your memory, but
keep it brief. Include only issues of primary concern.
• Bring your medications
Show your doctor all your medications in their original
bottles so your doctor can see the dosage and types of drugs.
• Answer questions accurately and completely
Your doctor needs facts on which to base an accurate diagnosis
and treatment plan.
• Speak up
If you have questions or doubts about your diagnosis or treat-ment, express them. For example, your doctor should explain
the benefits of a medication, its possible side effects and how
long it will take to work. Don’t leave until your questions are
addressed and resolved.
Following your doctor’s advice
To get 100 percent benefit, make sure you understand and can
use your doctor’s advice when you get home.
• Ask for written instructions
Have your doctor list the main points as you discuss them. Or
request brochures or other published information.
• Know your prescription
Ask why this drug is best. Find out what you can expect from
it, including side effects and how to take it correctly.
• Expect explanations
Be sure you know why a test is ordered, what it will involve,
what the risks are, and how and when you’ll learn results.
• Repeat what you hear
This process allows your doctor to identify any instructions
that aren’t clear.
• Solve problems together
If you don’t think it’s realistic to follow your doctor’s recom-mendations, speak up. For example, financial restraints might
keep you from buying a certain medication. If you tell your
doctor, he or she may know of a less expensive generic
medication that will work just as well.
Choosing disease-fighting
Research indicates that eating certain foods can help lower
your risk of several diseases.
• Eat at least four servings of vegetables a day
Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, contain fiber,
have no cholesterol, and are low in fat and calories. They’re a
great source of phytochemicals, substances that appear to help
reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer
and diabetes. Eat a variety to get all the health benefits.
• Eat at least three servings of fruits a day
Fruits are filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.
Except for a few, such as avocado and coconut, they’re virtually
free of fat. Fruits are a major source of flavonoids, substances
that may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and
cancer. Choose a variety of fruits to get the most health benefits.
• Eat foods high in omega-3s
Eating at least two servings (about 3 ounces each) a week of
fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids — such as salmon, trout,
tuna, herring and sardines — can help reduce your risk of heart
disease. Instead of frying, bake or grill the fish. Note:The Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) advises pregnant women,
nursing mothers and children to avoid king mackerel, shark,
swordfish and tilefish (golden bass or golden snapper), which
are higher in mercury. Tuna steak and albacore tuna generally
have more mercury than canned light tuna. Plant sources of
omega-3s include canola oil, flaxseed (ground and oil),
soybeans and walnuts (whole and oil).
• Choose whole-grain foods
Eating whole grains may lower your risk of cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. In addition to the more
familiar whole-grain breads and cereals, add variety to your
diet with hulled barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet,
quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and wild rice.
Using healthy cooking
Several easy cooking methods can result in healthier eating.
• Invest in nonstick cookware
Instead of pouring oil in a pan when you cook, use nonstick
cookware. One tablespoon of vegetable oil has 120 calories and
14 grams of fat. Or use vegetable cooking sprays. A one-second
spray has negligible calories and less than 1 gram of fat.
• Hold the oil
Sauté vegetables such as onions, mushrooms or celery in
a small amount of wine, broth, water, soy sauce or
Worcestershire sauce.
Think flavor, not fat
Keep a supply of onions, fresh garlic, ginger root, Dijon mus-tard, fresh lemons and limes, flavored vinegars, sherry or other
wines, cornstarch (to thicken sauces), and plain fat-free yogurt.
• Try different cooking methods
Microwave or steam vegetables. Then dress them up with
flavored vinegars, herbs and spices. Cook fish in parchment
paper or foil to seal in flavors and juices.
• Modify recipes
In most recipes, you can reduce sugar, salt and fat by one-third
to one-half without sacrificing taste.
• Minimize meat
Buy lean cuts of meat. Decrease the amount of meat in
casseroles and stews by one-third and add more vegetables,
rice or pasta. Or replace meat with beans.
Do’s and don’ts for losing weight
• Don’t skip meals
During the day when you’re active, your body needs maxi-mum calories and nutrients. Missed meals may result in an
unhealthy diet and may increase your risk of obesity. Eating
meals, including a healthy snack, at fairly regular times may
reduce impulse snacking, meal size and calorie intake.
• Limit meat consumption
Meat is a major source of fat — keep portions under 6 ounces
daily. Eat more servings of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
• Don’t starve yourself
If you’re on a diet that’s too strict, eventually you’ll go back
to eating regular food. Unless you’ve learned how to eat a
variety of healthy foods and still lose weight, you won’t
achieve long-term weight control.
• Exercise regularly
Any exercise burns calories. To promote weight loss from body
fat, exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 to 60 minutes
on most days of the week. Walking is a good form of exercise.
• Drink water
Drinking water with your meal can help fill you up. Drinking
water also slows the pace of your eating — and people who
eat fast tend to overeat.
• Weigh wisely
Daily weighing can be a helpful tool for some people who are
trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain. But daily shifts in
body water can show up as pounds on your scale. So keep this
in mind and pay greater attention to trends in your weight.
Handling food safely
Think about safe handling of food from the time you shop to
the time you eat.
• When shopping
Don’t buy food in cans or jars with dented or bulging lids.
Refrigerate perishable items as soon as possible after
purchase. Put fresh fruits and vegetables in bags rather
than directly in the shopping cart to prevent contact with
additional germs or with drippings from other foods.
• When preparing food
Wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse produce thorough-ly before and after peeling. Wash knives and cutting surfaces
after handling raw meat and before preparing other foods to be
eaten raw. Launder dishcloths and kitchen towels frequently.
• When cooking
Cook all ground meat, hamburger or roast beef thoroughly.
Meat, especially if grilled, is likely to brown before it’s
completely cooked, so use a meat thermometer to ensure that
meat is heated to at least 160 F at its thickest point. Avoid
undercooked eggs with runny yolks.
When storing food
Always check expiration dates. Use or freeze fresh meats within
three to five days after purchase. Use or freeze fresh poultry,
fish and ground meat within one to two days after purchase.
Refrigerate or freeze leftovers within two hours of serving.
• When eating out
Order red meat prepared medium or well-done. Ask that
seafood be thoroughly cooked.
Keeping foods safe at picnics
Use these tips to ensure safe eating at your picnics:
• Use an insulated cooler
Put ice or a frozen gel pack on top, with foods to be kept
coldest on the bottom.
Pack right from the refrigerator
Keep food cold or frozen to the touch before putting it in your
cooler or cold vacuum bottle, such as a thermos.
• Wrap all foods separately in plastic
Don’t place foods directly on ice that’s not of drinking-water
quality. Keep raw meat, poultry or fish well wrapped so that
drippings don’t contaminate other foods.
• Don’t put your cooler in a hot trunk
Transport your cooler inside your car — not the trunk. Keep
it in the shade at your picnic or campsite, and keep the lid on.
• Keep food and utensils covered until serving time
Flies, other insects and household pets can carry salmonella
• Keep hot foods hot
Use a vacuum bottle or insulated dish for serving.
• Clean your hands
Take along alcohol-based hand sanitizer and disposable hand
towels to use before and after working with food.
• Remember the 2-hour rule
Return leftovers to your cooler as quickly as possible. Two
hours is the maximum time food should be left unrefrigerat-ed — one hour if the temperature is 85 F or higher. If your ice
has melted or the gel pack is only cool, discard perishable
Choosing a multivitamin as
you get older
Because diets of older adults are often short in more than one
vitamin and mineral, a multiple vitamin-mineral pill taken
once a day may make more sense than single-nutrient pills.
For quality, look for USP (U.S. Pharmacopeia) on the label.
• Don’t take megadoses
Look for a supplement that contains a wide variety of vita-mins and minerals in the appropriate amounts, usually no
more than 100 percent of the Daily Value (DV). Check the
contents to make sure you’re not getting too much of any
nutrient, which can be harmful. Talk with your doctor or
pharmacist if you have questions.
• Check the iron content
Some studies suggest that excess iron can raise the risk of
heart disease and colon cancer for women beyond menopause
and for men of any age. For these people, it’s probably wise
to use a pill with little or no iron — 8 milligrams (mg) or less.
• Get enough calcium
People over 50 need 1,200 mg of calcium a day, but typical-ly consume only 700 to 800 mg a day. A multivitamin can
only include about 200 mg of calcium because a larger
amount would make the pill too big to swallow. See
“Consider a calcium supplement,” p. 11. •
Get enough vitamin D
This helps the body absorb calcium and is essential to main-tain proper bone strength. Because many older adults don’t
get regular exposure to sunlight and have trouble absorbing
vitamin D, taking a multivitamin with 400 to 600 internation-al units (IU) will probably help improve bone health.
• Look for vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)
Adequate levels of this vitamin may reduce your risk of
anemia, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Older adults
often don’t absorb this vitamin well. A multivitamin with
at least 2 micrograms (mcg) may help.
Making informed decisions
about herbal supplements
Because of the limited regulation of herbal supplements in the
United States, be cautious about using any herb. Read reports
on clinical studies about safety and effectiveness, and tell
your doctor if you’re using herbal products.
Avoid using these herbs:
• Borage, coltsfoot and comfrey
Toxic chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids contained in
these herbs may cause liver disease, lung problems and possi-bly even cancer, especially with long-term use.
Some cases of liver disease have been linked to the use of this
herb. It’s touted as a cure for cancer and as a substance that
slows aging, “cleanses” the blood and helps treat skin prob-lems, but no evidence supports these claims.
• Ephedra (ma-huang) and some substitutes
This popular herb, once found in several weight-loss products,
contains ephedrine, which can stimulate your heart and nervous
system to dangerous levels, causing a heart attack, seizure,
stroke or sudden death. In 2004, the FDA banned the sale of
ephedra. In addition, the FDA states that some ephedra substi-tutes, such as bitter orange
( Citrus aurantium), may present
serious health risks.
• Germanium
Evidence doesn’t support claims that this herb promotes good
health, fights AIDS, cancer and other illnesses, or helps treat
heavy metal (mercury) toxicity. However, there have been
numerous reports of kidney failure, nerve damage and even
some deaths linked to this herb.
• Kava
Also called kava kava, this herb is used for anxiety and insom-nia. Reports of severe liver damage linked to its use have caused
several European countries to pull it off the market. The FDA
has issued warnings but not banned sales. Until more is known,
don’t take kava or products that contain it. If you’ve been using
it, ask your doctor if you need tests to check your liver function.
• Yohimbe
Yohimbe can cause serious side effects, including tremors,
anxiety, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.
Exercise caution if using these herbs and many others:
• Fever few, garlic, ginger and ginkgo
Taken in high doses or combined with other blood thinners,
such as wayfaring (Coumadin), aspirin or other nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), each of these herbs could
increase the risk of bleeding problems.
• St. John’s wort
Used for mild to moderate depression, St. John’s wort can
alter the effects of many common prescription drugs, such as
warfarin, heart drugs or seizure medications.
How to prevent falls
Many older adults who are hospitalized for a fall never regain
their former level of independence. Losing your independence
— it’s one of the biggest fears you may have about aging.
Falling is one of the most common causes. Use this checklist
to take a fall-prevention inventory of your home:
• All rooms
Keep electrical cords and furniture out of walking paths.
Fasten carpets to the floor with tape or tacks. Don’t use
throw rugs.
• Stairways
Make sure that stairways are well lighted with sturdy
handrails. Carpet runners should not be loose. If you have a
vision problem, apply bright tape to the first and last steps.
• Bathrooms
Install grab handles and nonskid mats inside and just outside
your shower and tub and near the toilet. Shower chairs and
bath benches minimize the risk of falling.
• Kitchens
Don’t use difficult-to-reach shelves. Never stand on a chair.
Use nonskid floor wax and wipe up spills immediately.
Put a light switch by the door and by your bed so you don’t
have to walk across the room to turn on a light. Plug night
lights into electrical outlets in bedrooms, halls and bathrooms.
Preventing yardwork mishaps
Follow these easy steps:
• Save your back
Choose tools with handles long enough to allow you to work
without bending over. Don’t lift oversized packages of fertilizer
or sod. Use a wheelbarrow or just buy smaller packages.
Wear sunscreen
Avoid sunburn by using sunscreen with a minimum sun
protection factor (SPF) of 15.
• Skip the scents
Perfume, scented hair spray or lotion attracts stinging insects.
• Wear light-colored, well-fitting clothes
Bright colors attract insects, too. And loose clothes allow
insects access to your skin.
• Choose sensible shoes
Wear closed-toe, sturdy, nonskid shoes to prevent injuries
from lawn mowers.
• Turn off the lawn mower motor
Then unclog, adjust or fix the equipment. Before refueling,
allow the motor to cool for several minutes. Don’t smoke.
• Handle chemicals carefully
Before spraying bug or weed killers, wait for calm weather.
Wind can blow chemicals back toward you and irritate your
skin. Wear protective goggles, gloves, full-length pants and
a long-sleeved shirt.
Treating puncture wounds
A puncture wound — for example, from stepping on a nail —
usually doesn’t result in excessive bleeding. The wound may
seem to close almost instantly, but it may still be dangerous
because of the risk of infection. If the puncture is deep,
contaminated, or the result of an animal or human bite, seek
medical attention right away. Remember these tips:
• Apply gentle pressure if there’s bleeding
Press down on the wound using a clean soft cloth. If the
wound was deep enough to draw blood, especially if it spurts
or continues to flow after several minutes of pressure — seek
medical attention immediately.
• Clean the wound
Rinse the wound under running water to help remove debris
and bacteria. Don’t use soap — it can irritate the wound. If
dirt or debris remains in the wound after washing, use tweez-ers cleaned with alcohol to remove the particles. If you can’t
remove all the debris, see your doctor. To clean the area
around the wound, use soap and a washcloth.
• Apply an antibiotic
After cleaning the wound, apply a thin layer of an antibiotic
cream or ointment such as Neosporin or Polysporin to help
keep the surface moist. These products discourage infection.
If a rash appears, stop using the product.
• Cover the wound
Bandages can help keep the wound clean and keep harmful
bacteria out. Change the dressing at least daily or whenever
it becomes wet or dirty. If you’re allergic to adhesive, use
adhesive-free dressings or sterile gauze and hypoallergenic
paper tape.
• Watch for signs of infection
See your doctor if the wound doesn’t heal or if you notice
redness, drainage, warmth or swelling.
• Keep tetanus booster shots up to date
Adults generally need tetanus boosters every 10 years. If
you have a deep or dirty cut or wound, and you haven’t had
a tetanus shot within five years, your doctor may recommend
a booster.
Do’s and don’ts for minor burns
Remember these tips:
• Do cool the burn
Hold the burned area under cold running water for about 15 to
20 minutes. If impractical, immerse the burn in cold water or
cover it with cold compresses.
Don’t put ice directly on the burn
Putting ice directly on a burn can cause frostbite and further
damage your skin.
• Do consider a lotion and pain relievers
Once a burn is completely cooled, apply a lotion or moisturizer
to soothe the area and prevent dryness. For sunburn, try 1 per-cent hydrocortisone cream or an anesthetic cream. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin
IB, others), naproxen (Aleve, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol,
others) may help.
Don’t use butter
Putting butter on burned skin holds heat in the tissue and may
cause more damage. Applying butter increases your chance
of infection.
• Do bandage a burn
Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage. Wrap loosely to
avoid putting too much pressure on the burn. Bandaging
keeps air off the burn and reduces pain.
• Don’t break blisters
However, if the area is tender, snip a tiny hole in the blister
with a small scissors that has been sterilized in alcohol. If the
blister is broken, wash the area with mild antibacterial soap and
water, then apply an antibiotic ointment and a gauze bandage.
Staying clear of lightning
In the United States, hundreds of people are injured or killed
by lightning each year. To protect yourself:
• Stay inside your home or an enclosed building
Keep away from doors, windows and anything that conducts
• Use the 30-30 rule if you’re caught outside
If your view of the storm isn’t obstructed and you see light-ning, count how long it takes until you hear thunder. If it’s
30 seconds or less, seek a safer location right away. If you
can’t see the lightning but you hear thunder, go to a safer
• Avoid trees or tall isolated structures
They’re lightning targets. Avoid small, open picnic pavilions
and rain shelters. If you’re in an open area, drop anything
you’re carrying, get away from other people, and crouch
down as low as possible.
• Seek safety in a car
Close the windows. Cars with plastic or fiberglass roofs and
sides won’t protect you. Get off bicycles and motorcycles.
• Don’t touch metal objects
Drop metal items, such as golf clubs, tools or tennis rackets,
which conduct lightning.
Don’t mix water with lightning
Get out of and away from water — it conducts electricity Mayo Clinic Health SolutionsDon’t wash your hands, and don’t do the dishes or the laundry.
Get out of the shower or tub.
• Turn it off and hang it up
Don’t use electrical appliances or talk on the phone. Light-ning can follow electrical wires and phone lines into your home.
Handling a medical emergency
at home
Keep the numbers of emergency services, such as your doctor,
fire department and police, next to your phone. If your area is
served by 911, call that number first.
• Stay calm
Speak slowly and clearly when describing the incident.
• Be exact about your location
Give your name, phone number, address, apartment number, city
or town, and directions, including landmarks or cross streets.
• Describe the type of help you need
Is it medical, police or fire assistance?
• Give details about the victim’s condition
Is the person bleeding severely? Choking? Unconscious? How
long ago did the incident occur?
• Describe first aid
If someone else is present and giving first aid, what kind is it?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or other emergency care?
• Describe the victim’s location
Is he or she in the upstairs bedroom? Downstairs on the bath-room floor?
• Listen carefully
Then write down instructions. Ask the dispatcher to repeat the
• Don’t hang up too soon
Wait until the dispatcher tells you to hang up.
• Make sure your house number is clearly visible
If it’s dark, turn a light on outdoors to show your house number.
Healthy ways to deal
with stress
Take common clues to stress — headaches, indigestion, sleep-lessness and sweaty palms — seriously. Learn to manage
stress using these techniques:
• Change the factors you can
You may not be able to walk away from a stressful job or
home situation, but you can develop new responses to defuse
anger or conflict. You can also learn to manage your time
better with stress-lowering techniques — from delegating
household responsibilities to just saying no.
• Exercise regularly
The natural decrease in adrenaline production after exercise
may counteract the stress response. People who are physically
fit handle stress better.
• Relax
Learning techniques such as guided imagery, meditation,
muscle relaxation and relaxed breathing can help you relax.
Your goal is to lower your heart rate and blood pressure while
reducing muscle tension. You can also focus on hobbies or
activities you find calming, such as reading, listening to music
or playing with your pet.
• Find a friend
From dealing with cancer to coping with a troubled relation-ship, social support can help reduce stress and prolong life.
• Recognize when you need help
If stress is keeping you from work or recreation, talk with
your doctor or a specialist in behavioral medicine. Behavioral
therapy is one approach that can help you gain control over
your symptoms.
Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
Getting a good night’s sleep
Sleep deprivation can lead to forgetfulness and problems in
concentration. To sleep better, consider these suggestions:
• Limit time in bed
Spending too much time in bed usually disrupts sleep in the
middle of the night.
• Don’t try too hard to sleep
Read or watch TV until you become drowsy, and then go
to your bedroom to fall asleep naturally. Try to maintain a
regular time for going to bed and for getting up.
• Hide the clock
A visible readout of how long you’ve been unable to sleep
may worry you needlessly.
• Avoid or limit caffeine, smoking and alcohol
Caffeine is a stimulant. Nicotine also can interfere with sleep.
And although alcohol is a depressant and may help you doze
off, it can disrupt restful sleep.
• Exercise and stay active
Regular physical activity and exercise contribute to a restful
sleep. Aim for 30 minutes or more of exercise on most
days. Avoid exercising too close to your bedtime so it doesn’t
interfere with your sleep.
• Watch what you eat before you sleep
A light snack may help you relax before sleeping, but avoid
heavy meals and foods that could cause heartburn. Drink less
liquid before bedtime so that you won’t have to go to the
bathroom as often.
• Avoid or limit naps
Daytime naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you
really need a nap, limit it to 30 minutes or less.
• Check your medications
Ask your doctor if any of your medications — both prescrip-tion and nonprescription — may contribute to insomnia.
Back pain usually resolves within two to three weeks by tak-ing the simple self-care measures noted below. But contact
your doctor immediately if your back pain is the result of a
fall or blow to your back, it causes weakness or numbness in
one or both legs, or it causes new bladder or bowel problems.
• Apply cold, then heat
Apply ice four times a day — but no longer than 20 minutes
at a time. Put ice in a plastic bag, then wrap the bag in a cloth
or towel to keep a thin barrier between it and your skin. After
acute pain subsides, usually within the first two days, try a
heating pad (low setting), heat lamp, warm compress or take
a warm bath. Limit each heat application to 20 minutes. To
avoid burns, don’t fall asleep while using a heat source.
Consider setting a timer to turn off the heat source or to
awaken you if you do happen to fall asleep.
• Use over-the-counter medications if needed
Acetaminophen may help control pain. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen, also can reduce
inflammation. Read labels and use the recommended doses
unless your doctor advises otherwise. Check with your doctor
if you’re taking other medications. Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
• Combine rest with gentle movement
Get plenty of rest, but avoid prolonged bed rest. Staying in
bed more than two days may slow your recovery. Moderate
movement keeps your muscles strong and flexible. Avoid
heavy lifting, pushing or pulling.
Living with arthritis:
Assistive devices
If you have arthritis, assistive devices may allow you to be
more independent with daily tasks. Consider these options:
• Hand aids
Look for aids that provide a wide-diameter grip. Many pens,
for example, have thin shafts that force you to grasp them
with a tightly closed fist. A foam or plastic sleeve that slides
over the pen can correct this problem.
• Grooming and personal hygiene
If you have limited range of motion, use long-handled brushes
and combs. Consider bathing aids such as long-handled sponges
and brushes, bath benches and grab bars. Use an electric tooth-brush, a Radius toothbrush or one with a foam handle. Use
mirrors with foam rubber handles for an easier grasp.
• Getting dressed
Buy a shoehorn with an extension handle and use a stocking
aid to help pull on hosiery. Look for tools that grip buttons
and zippers. Sew elasticized Velcro tabs onto shirt cuffs. Select
wraparound skirts or stretch trousers if limited range of
motion makes dressing a challenge. Try clip-on neckties.
• In the kitchen
Put everything that you use often within easy reach. Store fre-quently used cookware and utensils in cabinets at hip-to-shoul-der height. Consider a single-lever faucet so it’s less taxing on
your finger joints. Use an electric can opener and electric knife.
• Cleaning your home
Use a long-handled mop, dustpan and broom. Keep cleaning
supplies on each floor and store supplies within easy reach.
Avoid unnecessary bending or stooping.
Spotting skin cancer
Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of the three types
of skin cancer. Even melanoma, the deadliest form, can usually
be successfully treated if caught early. And remember, no
matter what your age, minimizing your exposure to ultraviolet
(UV) light will help reduce your risk of skin cancer and
premature aging.
• Melanoma
Although melanoma can occur in normal skin, it often develops
in a pre-existing mole or other dark spot. Examine your moles
and look for these ABCDs:
A symmetry. One half of the mole doesn’t match the
other half.
B order irregularity. The edges are often ragged, notched,
blurred or irregular, and the pigment may spread into the
surrounding skin.
C olor. The mole may have shades of black, brown and
tan, or areas of white, gray, red, pink or blue.
D iameter. Melanomas are typically larger than a pencil
eraser, although early melanomas may be smaller.
Also look for changes in the surface of a mole, scaliness,
oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump, spread of
pigment from the border into the surrounding skin, itchiness,
tenderness, or pain.
• Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
This may appear as a small, raised, smooth, shiny or pearly
bump that’s whitish to pink in color. Over time, it may crust,
ulcerate and bleed. BCC is slow growing and rarely invades
internal organs, but it can spread to nearby tissues if left
• Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Most often this type of skin cancer appears as a raised, scaly,
crusty or wart-like bump, ranging in size from a pea to a
chestnut. SCC can spread internally if left untreated.
Guarding against dry skin
With age, oil glands become less active. Your skin is less able
to replenish the oils and fluids removed by soap and water. To
guard against the drying effects of bathing, try these tips:
• Limit frequency
Bathing once a day or every other day is sufficient for most
• Limit time and temperature
Use warm (not hot) water for a maximum of 15 minutes.
• Select soaps carefully
Choose superfatted, nonsudsing soaps that clean without remov-ing natural oil. This includes brands such as Basis, Purpose
and others. Soap substitutes in bar, gel and liquid forms are less
drying than are deodorant and antibacterial soaps.
• Limit use of soap
Limit use of soap to your face, underarms, genital areas,
hands and feet. Using clear water on the other areas of your
body cleans adequately most of the time.
• Pat dry, don’t rub
When toweling dry, pat your skin gently. Or brush your skin
rapidly with the palms of your hands.
• Seal in moisture
While still damp, lubricate your skin with an oil or cream,
especially on your legs, arms, back and sides. A heavy mois-turizer (water-in-oil formula) is longer lasting than a light
cream that contains more water than oil (oil-in-water formula).
Controlling dandruff
Try these suggestions to control common dandruff:
• Shampoo regularly
Start with a mild, nonmedicated shampoo. Gently massage
your scalp to loosen flakes. Rinse thoroughly.
• Use medicated shampoo for stubborn cases
Look for those containing pyrithione zinc, salicylic acid, coal
tar or selenium sulfide in brands such as Denorex, Head &
Shoulders, Neutrogena T/Gel, Selsun Blue or Tegrin. For best
results, use a dandruff shampoo each time you shampoo.
• Use tar-based shampoos carefully
These shampoos are strong dandruff deterrents, but they can
leave a brownish stain on light-colored or gray hair. They can
also make your scalp more sensitive to the sun. Check the
label for ingredients.
• Treat your hair gently
Dandruff shampoos can be harsh on your hair and scalp. Use
a conditioner regularly. For mild cases of dandruff, alternate
dandruff shampoo with your regular shampoo.
• See a dermatologist
If dandruff persists or if your scalp becomes irritated or
severely itchy, you may need a prescription shampoo. An
antifungal cream called ketoconazole (Nizoral) often works
against dandruff and is available as a shampoo.
Ensuring proper lighting
Increase overall lighting in your home to compensate for your
need for more light as you get older. Make sure rooms have
uniform lighting from several sources.
• Position lights appropriately
Concentrate light on close work by using adjustable goose-neck lamps and lights underneath kitchen cabinets. The finer
your task, the more light you need. Position lights for reading
to shine from over your shoulder. Use lampshades that com-pletely shield the bulb so that light is directed up and down,
not into your eyes.
• Turn down glare
Replace glaring ceiling fixtures with wall or floor lamps that
direct light upward. Choose matte surfaces instead of shiny
tabletops and highly polished floors that reflect light into your
eyes. Select a nonglossy, off-white paint for walls. This type of
surface maximizes light in a room without creating glare.
• Use natural light wisely
Design skylights with light wells that provide reflected light,
not direct sunlight. On windows, install blinds that allow you
to direct light upward to reflect off the ceiling. This offers
uniform illumination and minimizes glare.
Protecting your eyes
from the sun
Choose sunglasses that:
• Provide maximum protection from UV light
Long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light increases your
chance of cataracts. The greater the blockage of UV light, the
lower your risk of damage. Choose lenses that block 99 percent
to 100 percent of ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB)
light. Check the label.
• Reduce glare
Choose sunglasses that are dark enough to reduce glare —
light that bounces off smooth surfaces such as pavement,
water, sand and snow — but not so dark that it’s hard to read
traffic signals. Polarized lenses decrease glare, but make sure
they also provide maximum UV light protection.
• Fit close to your face
To minimize UV light that can enter from the sides, buy
wraparound sunglasses.
• Meet your needs
Sunglasses that meet the above criteria don’t need to be
expensive. If you wear glasses for vision problems, ask your
eye doctor about transition lenses that protect your eyes by
darkening automatically when you’re out in the sun. However,
it takes time for the lenses to darken and lighten in different
lighting conditions, so make sure these types of lenses meet
your needs.
Preventing noise-induced
hearing loss
Repeated exposure to loud noise and even a one-time exposure
to loud noise can damage the delicate, sound-sensitive hair
cells in your inner ear. This type of hearing loss is irreversible
but preventable. To protect your hearing:
• Lower the volume on your TV and stereo
Choose personal stereos with an automatic volume limiter.
• Turn down the volume on headphones
By directing sound into your ear, headphones can produce
levels loud enough to damage your hearing. Hold your headset
an arm’s length away. If you can hear the sound, the volume
is probably too high.
• Muffle the sound
Noise can be damaging if you have to raise your voice to be
heard by someone an arm’s length away. Wear earplugs or
earmuffs when you’re around noisy tools, equipment or
firearms. Use commercially made devices that meet federal
standards. Make sure the protectors fit snugly. Don’t use
cotton earplugs. They’re ineffective and can become lodged
in your ear canal.
• Have your hearing tested
If you’re frequently around loud noise, have your hearing
checked annually. A hearing test can detect mild hearing loss
before the damage is obvious or disabling.
Choosing a hearing aid
You can greatly increase your satisfaction with a hearing aid
by following these suggestions:
• Learn about the choices
Hearing aids come in many styles and sizes — from small
ones that fit completely in the ear canal to larger ones that fit
in or behind the ear. The components can be analog or digital.
The disposable “one-size fits-all” hearing aids can’t comfort-ably fit everyone, so discuss all options with your audiologist.
• List your priorities
When people buy hearing aids, they typically face a trade-off
among three factors — cost, performance and size. If you
rank those factors, it’ll help you and your audiologist make a
• Find out what meets your needs
Make sure you understand why a specific type of hearing aid
is recommended and how it will meet your needs. Don’t
assume the latest, most expensive model is best. Practice put-ting the battery in and taking it out until you can do it easily.
• Buy on a trial basis
A hearing aid should come with a 30- to 60-day trial period and
a warranty. Get the terms of the trial period in writing. Also ask
how long the warranty lasts — preferably one or two years —
what is and isn’t covered, what the return policy is, and what
symptom relief. Oral decongestants or anti-allergy nasal
sprays may help. Avoid decongestant nasal sprays because
they can worsen nasal congestion. Ask your doctor for advice.
• Pinpoint the offender
If medications aren’t effective, a skin test may help identify
the substance you’re allergic to (allergen). Tiny amounts of
suspected allergens are introduced into the skin by multiple
pricks, scratches or injections. Be sure a doctor who special-izes in allergic diseases does the test.
• Consider allergy shots
If you have a severe, recurrent allergy, or if allergy medica-tions aren’t working, allergy shots may help to desensitize
your system. Begin them at least six months before your
allergy season starts.
Soothing minor sore
throat pain
To help relieve a sore throat, try the tips below. However,
see your doctor if you’re exposed to strep or have any of
these signs or symptoms: fever, nausea, vomiting, sw ollen
neck glands, difficulty breathing or swallowing, tonsils with
pus, or severe pain that doesn’t improve in a few days.
Drink lots of liquids
Being well-hydrated helps keep mucus thin and easy to clear.
• Gargle with warm salt water
Mix about a teaspoon of salt with a glass of warm water to
soothe and help clear your throat of mucus.
• Suck on lozenges or hard candy, or chew
sugar-free gum
These products stimulate secretion of saliva, which bathes and
cleanses your throat.
• Consider taking pain relievers
Over-the-counter analgesics such as acetaminophen or
ibuprofen may temporarily help relieve sore throat pain.
• Rest your voice
If your sore throat involves an inflamed larynx, talking a lot
may lead to more irritation and temporary loss of your voice.
• Humidify the air
Adding moisture to the air prevents drying of mucous
membranes and the resulting irritation.
• Avoid air pollutants
Don’t smoke. Avoid smoke-filled rooms and fumes from
household cleaners or paint.
Battling bad breath
Occasional bad breath is usually due to bacteria, certain foods
or a dry mouth. When bad breath doesn’t respond to self-care,
ask your dentist to check for gum disease or poor-fitting dental
work or see your doctor for a possible medical cause. To fight
bad breath:
• Brush and floss after you eat
Good dental hygiene is the best way to prevent odor.
• Brush your tongue
Giving your tongue, including the back of your tongue, a good
brushing removes dead cells, bacteria and food debris. Some
people may benefit from using a tongue scraper, available at
many pharmacies.
• Chew sugar-free gum
The action stimulates flow of saliva to prevent dry mouth and
to wash away food particles and bacteria.
• Rinse your mouth with water
Periodically swish your mouth with water to help keep it clean.
• Don’t smoke
Smoking dries out your mouth and causes its own unpleasant
mouth odor.
• Cut down on odor-causing foods and beverages
The most likely offenders are garlic, onions, fish, milk, eggs,
legumes, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, coffee and alcohol.
• Carry mouthwash or breath mints
Not all mouthwashes fight bacteria, but they disguise bad
breath. The strong oils in peppermint, spearmint and winter-green also cover up odor.
Choosing toothpaste and
Use toothpaste that has fluoride, the best defense against
decay. Here’s an analysis of some of the claims made by
toothpaste and mouth-rinsing products:
• Plaque control
Some products claim to remove plaque or kill bacteria that
can cause plaque. But all toothpastes remove some plaque if
you brush and floss well.
• Tartar control
Anti-tartar pastes can help prevent a buildup of tartar, but no
toothpaste can remove tartar — that takes a professional
cleaning. In addition, an anti-tartar paste may increase your
teeth’s sensitivity to cold.
• Desensitizing pastes
These products contain chemicals that block pain perception
in your teeth. Sensitive teeth may be a sign, however, of a
problem that needs treatment, not cover up.
Baking soda pastes
Baking soda is a mild abrasive and stain remover, but when
wet it loses some of its stain-removing power.
• Extra whiteners
Some of these toothpastes contain strong abrasives that may
be harsh on delicate gum tissue.
• Mouthwashes
If certified by the American Dental Association as plaque fight-ers, these products can complement dental care by protecting
surfaces you may have missed when brushing and flossing.
Controlling painful leg cramps
Several factors, including dehydration, use of diuretics or
overuse of your muscles, can trigger leg cramps. They usually
occur during rest or sleep. Your doctor may prescribe quinine
or a muscle relaxant if you have frequent leg cramps.
To prevent leg cramps:
• Stretch daily
At least three times a day, including before bedtime, stretch
your calves and feet. Stand two to three feet from a wall,
placing your hands on the wall. Keep your heels on the floor.
Lean toward the wall and bend one knee. Hold for 15 to 30
seconds. Straighten your leg. Repeat with the other knee.
Stretch each leg at least three times.
• Drink plenty of liquids daily
Fluids help your muscles contract and relax.
To relieve leg cramps:
• Stretch and massage
Straighten your leg and point your toes upward while you
gently rub the cramp to help the muscle relax.
• Stand up
For a calf cramp, put your weight on the cramped leg and slight-ly bend your knee. For a thigh cramp, keep both legs straight
and lean forward at the waist. Use a chair to steady yourself.
• Apply cold or heat
Use a cold pack to relax tense muscles. Use a warm towel or
heating pad later if you have pain and tenderness.
Self-care tips for varicose veins
If you have varicose veins, try to improve circulation:
• Wear compression stockings
Wearing compression stockings is often the first approach to
try before other treatments. These stockings are sold at most
pharmacies and medical supply stores. Using a tape measure,
you or your pharmacist can measure your legs to ensure you get
the right size and fit according to the size chart on the package.
• Walk
Walking is a great way to get the blood circulating in your legs.
Ask your doctor about an appropriate activity level for you.
• Elevate your legs
When sitting or lying down, elevate your legs above the level
of your heart. Do this 10 to 15 minutes three or four times daily.
• Don’t sit or stand for long periods
Change your position frequently. During long car trips, stop
to take a brief walk every couple of hours. On flights, walk
through the cabin about once every hour. Don’t sit with your
legs crossed. Remember to wear your compression stockings
when traveling.
• Watch what your wear
Panty-leg girdles can restrict circulation. Avoid high heels.
• Control your weight
Being overweight puts extra pressure on your veins.
Shopping for shoes
For healthier and more comfortable feet, try these tips:
• Don’t buy shoes with pointed toes or high heels
Pointed shoes cramp your toes and can lead to foot problems
such as ingrown nails, calluses, corns or bunions. High heels
can cause back problems by forcing you to lean back to
compensate for the forward tilt of your heel.
• Select laced shoes
Laced shoes generally offer more room and adjustable sup-port. Get ample room for your toes. Athletic shoes are ideal.
Other good selections are strapped sandals and soft, roomy
pumps with cushioned insoles for women.
• Wear shoes made of soft leather
Good choices include calfskin or suede. Vinyl and rubber
encourage perspiration, which can irritate your skin.
• Shop for shoes in the early afternoon
Feet swell as the day goes on. If you buy shoes in the morn-ing, they may feel too tight later on. Getting fitted at the end
of the day may give you a fit that’s too roomy in the morning.
• Have your feet measured
Shoe size can change as you age or put on weight. Your arches
tend to relax with age, and you may need larger, wider shoes.
• Stretch your shoes
To perfect your fit and relieve pressure points, consider having
a shoe shop stretch your shoes at any spot that rubs.
Staying ahead of athlete’s foot
The fungus that causes this itchy rash thrives in the warm,
dark, wet environment between your toes. The key is keeping
your feet dry.
• Select well-ventilated shoes
Wear sandals, leather shoes or athletic styles with ventilation
holes that allow feet to breathe. Avoid shoes made of synthetic
materials, such as vinyl or rubber.
• Alternate shoes
Don’t wear the same pair every day. Change wet shoes imme-diately. Don’t store out-of-season styles in plastic.
• Protect your feet in high-risk areas
Wear waterproof sandals or shoes around public pools, showers
and locker rooms.
• Wear acrylic socks
When wearing closed-toe shoes, wear socks made of synthetic
fibers such as acrylic or polypropylene that wick away mois-ture. Cotton socks tend to absorb moisture from your feet.
• Change damp socks
If your feet sweat, change your socks twice a day.
• Use antifungal medications
For recurring infections, use an antifungal medication such
as clotrimazole (Lotrimin AF), terbinafine (Lamisil-AT) or
miconazole (Micatin, Zeasorb-AF). If an infection lasts longer
than four weeks, see your doctor.
Preventing and treating corns
and calluses
• Wear comfortable shoes
Wear shoes that don’t cramp your toes. Consider soft, leather
shoes or open-toed sandals. Soft insoles cushion your feet.
• Adjust your walking style
An improper gait, such as walking on the sides of your feet,
can produce calluses and corns. If you tend to wear down
one side of the heel of your shoes, you may be shifting your
weight unevenly as you walk. Ask your primary care doctor
or podiatrist if a shoe insert (orthotic) could help distribute
your weight more evenly.
• Safeguard your skin
Pharmacies and medical supply stores have a variety of
products such as tufts of lamb’s wool, moleskin pads and toe
coverings to protect your skin.
• Try home treatment
Gently rub thickened skin with a towel or pumice stone after
bathing. Don’t try to remove all of the toughened skin at once
— this process may take a week or longer. Don’t trim a corn
or callus, especially if you have diabetes or circulation
problems — you might introduce an infection. If you have
diabetes or circulation problems, avoid over-the-counter foot
care products that have salicylic acid.
• Get professional help
If a corn or callus becomes ulcerated or sore, see your doctor.
Don’t delay, especially if you have diabetes or circulation
problems — a simple problem can quickly turn into a
serious one.
Warming up cold hands
and feet
If your hands and feet always seem to be cold, try these
simple measures to keep warm:
• Wear warm clothes
This will keep your whole body warm and help maintain circu-lation to your hands and feet. Layer clothing for indoor as well
as outdoor wear. Try wearing a long-sleeved, silk camisole or
shirt under a blouse or sweater, topped by a wool jacket for in-door dress. Use warmth-conserving fabrics such as silk, wool or
down, or synthetic fabrics such as polypropylene or Thinsulate.
• Exercise
During activity, small, surface blood vessels dilate and more
warm blood flows to your hands and feet. The effect can last
for several hours.
• Avoid nicotine and limit caffeine
Both are vasoconstrictors that narrow blood vessels and
reduce blood flow to small, surface vessels.
• Avoid certain medications
Certain migraine medications with ergot derivatives and beta
blockers such as propranolol act as vasoconstrictors and may
cause cold hands and feet. If you suspect that a medication
might be causing such symptoms, talk with your doctor, but
don’t make changes to your medication regimen without your
doctor’s advice.
• Reduce stress
Tense, high-strung people seem more likely to have cold
hands. Chronic stress and anxiety can cause your nervous
system to continually pump out adrenaline. This hormone
also acts as a vasoconstrictor.
Do’s and don’ts
for avoiding infections
Follow these tips to help lower your risk of infections:
• Do practice good hygiene
Wash your hands before handling food, after using the bath-room and after handling pets. Wash your hands often when
you have a cold.
• Don’t share eating or drinking utensils
That’s a good way to spread infections.
• Do cook certain foods thoroughly — especially
hamburger — to kill bacteria
Don’t eat raw or undercooked meat or poultry, raw seafood or
raw eggs. Don’t drink or cook with unpasteurized milk.
• Don’t drink water that’s likely contaminated That includes, for example, water from streams or lakes near
campsites or hiking trails.
• Don’t put your fingers in your mouth or eyes
Doing so transmits germs.
Do avoid contact with ticks and rodents
Stay away from these and other disease carriers.
• Do keep up to date with vaccinations
They can protect you from life-threatening infectious diseases.
• Do recognize signs of generalized infections
Signs and symptoms include, for example, fever, sweats and
chills. For skin infections, look for redness and warmth.
• Don’t delay contacting your doctor if you’re sick
Many serious infections are treatable in the early stages.
• Don’t expect an antibiotic each time you’re sick Antibiotics don’t help with some common infections, and over-use encourages the growth of drug-resistant microorganisms.
Fending off the flu
To help prevent any illness, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep,
exercise regularly and wash your hands often. A flu (influenza)
shot is recommended for anyone who wants to reduce the risk
of flu, but especially for the high-risk groups below.
• Who needs a flu shot?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends
annual flu shots for the groups below.
1. People at high risk of complications from the flu, including:
• Children age 6 months until their 5th birthday
• Children 5 years of age or older and adults with a chronic
condition (such as asthma, diabetes or heart disease)
• Pregnant women
• Adults age 50 and older
• Residents of nursing homes and other long-term care
2. People who live with or care for those at high risk of
complications from the flu, including:
• Caregivers and household contacts of anyone at high risk
• Household contacts and out-of-home caregivers of children
under 6 months old (these children are too young to get
the flu shot)
• Health care workers
• Who should avoid flu shots?
Flu shots are safe for almost everyone. However, if you’ve had
a serious reaction to a dose of flu vaccine, or are allergic to
eggs, or have history of Guillain-Barré syndrome, ask your
doctor for advice.
• What’s the best time for a flu shot?
Flu shots need updating every year because the virus strains
change frequently. It’s best to get your flu shot in October
or November for protection in the peak of the flu season
(December through March).
• What are the side effects?
Some people may have a minor reaction, such as soreness
at the injection site, mild muscle aches or a slight fever for
a couple of days afterward.
Avoiding food and drug
When taking a prescription or nonprescription medication:
• Read the label and all printed information
Nonprescription products print information on the package.
Prescription drugs generally come with information fact
sheets and may have warning stickers on the container.
• Don’t mix medications into food unless advised
Acid or minerals in certain foods can alter some drug
ingredients. Breaking apart pills can destroy special coatings
that protect your stomach or the medication, or that create the
time-release mechanism of some drugs (which allows slow,
uniform absorption).
• Don’t mix medicine into hot beverages
Heat can destroy or alter drug ingredients.
• Don’t consume grapefruit or grapefruit juice
with medications
A substance found in grapefruit and its juice can alter the
effects of several drugs, sometimes causing a buildup of
medication, which could become toxic. One example is
atorvastatin (Lipitor), which is used for high cholesterol.
• Avoid alcohol
Alcohol can increase or reduce a drug’s effects or increase
side effects.
• Don’t take a vitamin and mineral supplement
or antacids at the same time as your medication
unless your doctor approves
Some nutrients can bind with drug ingredients, reducing their
absorption and limiting their effectiveness.
• Tell your doctor if you’re taking herbal
Many herbal supplements have known interactions with
medications, and others haven’t been thoroughly tested for
interactions. While you’re on medications, check with your
doctor or pharmacist before adding herbal supplements.
• Take medication as recommended
Some drugs are better absorbed with food to reduce the risk
of stomach irritation or upset. Other drugs may be better
absorbed when taken with a full glass of water an hour or
two before meals. Follow your doctor’s or pharmacist’s
Asking the right questions
about your medications
Whether you’re taking a prescription drug or one you buy
over-the-counter, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or pharma-cist questions. Keep a list of the medications and doses
readily available in your purse or wallet.
• What’s the name of the medication?
Learn both the generic and brand names.
• Why are you taking it?
It’s critical that you understand the purpose of the medication.
Knowing why your doctor has recommended a particular
medication will increase the chances that you take the med-ication appropriately and receive the intended benefit.
• What effect can you expect?
How will the drug make you feel? How soon can you expect
results? Some drugs take days or weeks to have an effect.
• How much, when and how long should you take it?
Make sure the directions make sense. “Four times daily”
could mean with each meal and at bedtime or every six hours,
including the middle of the night.
• Are there restrictions?
Some foods can interfere with the effectiveness of a drug.
Alcohol also can interfere and cause certain side effects. In
addition, some drugs can make you sensitive to sunlight.
• What are the side effects?
What are common side effects? Which side effects may go
away with time? Which side effects should prompt you to
contact your doctor?
• What do you do if you miss a dose?
Do you take it as soon as you remember or wait until the next
dose is due?
• Are there alternatives?
Do other drugs or treatments cost less or have fewer side
effects? Will a generic drug provide the same benefit?
Getting the most from a visit
to your doctor
Make the best use of a short time that you have for your
• Arrive on time
Promptness helps ensure an unhurried visit.
• Know your own and your family’s medical history
Your previous medical conditions and those of blood-related
family members are important. Be prepared to discuss them in
detail with your doctor.
• Bring someone along if you feel comfortable
An extra set of ears can help. Someone else may help think
of additional questions or help you understand instructions.
• Bring a list of concerns
Once you’re in the doctor’s office, it’s easy to forget health
issues you want to discuss. A list will jog your memory, but
keep it brief. Include only issues of primary concern.
• Bring your medications
Show your doctor all your medications in their original
bottles so your doctor can see the dosage and types of drugs.
• Answer questions accurately and completely
Your doctor needs facts on which to base an accurate diagnosis
and treatment plan.
• Speak up
If you have questions or doubts about your diagnosis or treat-ment, express them. For example, your doctor should explain
the benefits of a medication, its possible side effects and how
long it will take to work. Don’t leave until your questions are
addressed and resolved.
Following your doctor’s advice
To get 100 percent benefit, make sure you understand and can
use your doctor’s advice when you get home.
• Ask for written instructions
Have your doctor list the main points as you discuss them. Or
request brochures or other published information.
• Know your prescription
Ask why this drug is best. Find out what you can expect from
it, including side effects and how to take it correctly.
• Expect explanations
Be sure you know why a test is ordered, what it will involve,
what the risks are, and how and when you’ll learn results.
• Repeat what you hear
This process allows your doctor to identify any instructions
that aren’t clear.
• Solve problems together
If you don’t think it’s realistic to follow your doctor’s recom-mendations, speak up. For example, financial restraints might
keep you from buying a certain medication. If you tell your
doctor, he or she may know of a less expensive generic
medication that will work just as well.
Choosing disease-fighting
Research indicates that eating certain foods can help lower
your risk of several diseases.
• Eat at least four servings of vegetables a day
Vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, contain fiber,
have no cholesterol, and are low in fat and calories. They’re a
great source of phytochemicals, substances that appear to help
reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer
and diabetes. Eat a variety to get all the health benefits.
• Eat at least three servings of fruits a day
Fruits are filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber.
Except for a few, such as avocado and coconut, they’re virtually
free of fat. Fruits are a major source of flavonoids, substances
that may help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and
cancer. Choose a variety of fruits to get the most health benefits.
• Eat foods high in omega-3s
Eating at least two servings (about 3 ounces each) a week of
fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids — such as salmon, trout,
tuna, herring and sardines — can help reduce your risk of heart
disease. Instead of frying, bake or grill the fish. Note:The Food
and Drug Administration (FDA) advises pregnant women,
nursing mothers and children to avoid king mackerel, shark,
swordfish and tilefish (golden bass or golden snapper), which
are higher in mercury. Tuna steak and albacore tuna generally
have more mercury than canned light tuna. Plant sources of
omega-3s include canola oil, flaxseed (ground and oil),
soybeans and walnuts (whole and oil).
• Choose whole-grain foods
Eating whole grains may lower your risk of cardiovascular
disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. In addition to the more
familiar whole-grain breads and cereals, add variety to your
diet with hulled barley, brown rice, buckwheat, bulgur, millet,
quinoa, whole-wheat pasta and wild rice.
Using healthy cooking
Several easy cooking methods can result in healthier eating.
• Invest in nonstick cookware
Instead of pouring oil in a pan when you cook, use nonstick
cookware. One tablespoon of vegetable oil has 120 calories and
14 grams of fat. Or use vegetable cooking sprays. A one-second
spray has negligible calories and less than 1 gram of fat.
• Hold the oil
Sauté vegetables such as onions, mushrooms or celery in
a small amount of wine, broth, water, soy sauce or
Worcestershire sauce.
Think flavor, not fat
Keep a supply of onions, fresh garlic, ginger root, Dijon mus-tard, fresh lemons and limes, flavored vinegars, sherry or other
wines, cornstarch (to thicken sauces), and plain fat-free yogurt.
• Try different cooking methods
Microwave or steam vegetables. Then dress them up with
flavored vinegars, herbs and spices. Cook fish in parchment
paper or foil to seal in flavors and juices.
• Modify recipes
In most recipes, you can reduce sugar, salt and fat by one-third
to one-half without sacrificing taste.
• Minimize meat
Buy lean cuts of meat. Decrease the amount of meat in
casseroles and stews by one-third and add more vegetables,
rice or pasta. Or replace meat with beans.
Do’s and don’ts for losing weight
• Don’t skip meals
During the day when you’re active, your body needs maxi-mum calories and nutrients. Missed meals may result in an
unhealthy diet and may increase your risk of obesity. Eating
meals, including a healthy snack, at fairly regular times may
reduce impulse snacking, meal size and calorie intake.
• Limit meat consumption
Meat is a major source of fat — keep portions under 6 ounces
daily. Eat more servings of vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
• Don’t starve yourself
If you’re on a diet that’s too strict, eventually you’ll go back
to eating regular food. Unless you’ve learned how to eat a
variety of healthy foods and still lose weight, you won’t
achieve long-term weight control.
• Exercise regularly
Any exercise burns calories. To promote weight loss from body
fat, exercise at a moderate intensity for at least 30 to 60 minutes
on most days of the week. Walking is a good form of exercise.
• Drink water
Drinking water with your meal can help fill you up. Drinking
water also slows the pace of your eating — and people who
eat fast tend to overeat.
• Weigh wisely
Daily weighing can be a helpful tool for some people who are
trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain. But daily shifts in
body water can show up as pounds on your scale. So keep this
in mind and pay greater attention to trends in your weight.
Handling food safely
Think about safe handling of food from the time you shop to
the time you eat.
• When shopping
Don’t buy food in cans or jars with dented or bulging lids.
Refrigerate perishable items as soon as possible after
purchase. Put fresh fruits and vegetables in bags rather
than directly in the shopping cart to prevent contact with
additional germs or with drippings from other foods.
• When preparing food
Wash your hands with soap and water. Rinse produce thorough-ly before and after peeling. Wash knives and cutting surfaces
after handling raw meat and before preparing other foods to be
eaten raw. Launder dishcloths and kitchen towels frequently.
• When cooking
Cook all ground meat, hamburger or roast beef thoroughly.
Meat, especially if grilled, is likely to brown before it’s
completely cooked, so use a meat thermometer to ensure that
meat is heated to at least 160 F at its thickest point. Avoid
undercooked eggs with runny yolks.
When storing food
Always check expiration dates. Use or freeze fresh meats within
three to five days after purchase. Use or freeze fresh poultry,
fish and ground meat within one to two days after purchase.
Refrigerate or freeze leftovers within two hours of serving.
• When eating out
Order red meat prepared medium or well-done. Ask that
seafood be thoroughly cooked.
Keeping foods safe at picnics
Use these tips to ensure safe eating at your picnics:
• Use an insulated cooler
Put ice or a frozen gel pack on top, with foods to be kept
coldest on the bottom.
Pack right from the refrigerator
Keep food cold or frozen to the touch before putting it in your
cooler or cold vacuum bottle, such as a thermos.
• Wrap all foods separately in plastic
Don’t place foods directly on ice that’s not of drinking-water
quality. Keep raw meat, poultry or fish well wrapped so that
drippings don’t contaminate other foods.
• Don’t put your cooler in a hot trunk
Transport your cooler inside your car — not the trunk. Keep
it in the shade at your picnic or campsite, and keep the lid on.
• Keep food and utensils covered until serving time
Flies, other insects and household pets can carry salmonella
• Keep hot foods hot
Use a vacuum bottle or insulated dish for serving.
• Clean your hands
Take along alcohol-based hand sanitizer and disposable hand
towels to use before and after working with food.
• Remember the 2-hour rule
Return leftovers to your cooler as quickly as possible. Two
hours is the maximum time food should be left unrefrigerat-ed — one hour if the temperature is 85 F or higher. If your ice
has melted or the gel pack is only cool, discard perishable
Choosing a multivitamin as
you get older
Because diets of older adults are often short in more than one
vitamin and mineral, a multiple vitamin-mineral pill taken
once a day may make more sense than single-nutrient pills.
For quality, look for USP (U.S. Pharmacopeia) on the label.
• Don’t take megadoses
Look for a supplement that contains a wide variety of vita-mins and minerals in the appropriate amounts, usually no
more than 100 percent of the Daily Value (DV). Check the
contents to make sure you’re not getting too much of any
nutrient, which can be harmful. Talk with your doctor or
pharmacist if you have questions.
• Check the iron content
Some studies suggest that excess iron can raise the risk of
heart disease and colon cancer for women beyond menopause
and for men of any age. For these people, it’s probably wise
to use a pill with little or no iron — 8 milligrams (mg) or less.
• Get enough calcium
People over 50 need 1,200 mg of calcium a day, but typical-ly consume only 700 to 800 mg a day. A multivitamin can
only include about 200 mg of calcium because a larger
amount would make the pill too big to swallow. See
“Consider a calcium supplement,” p. 11. •
Get enough vitamin D
This helps the body absorb calcium and is essential to main-tain proper bone strength. Because many older adults don’t
get regular exposure to sunlight and have trouble absorbing
vitamin D, taking a multivitamin with 400 to 600 internation-al units (IU) will probably help improve bone health.
• Look for vitamin B-12 (cobalamin)
Adequate levels of this vitamin may reduce your risk of
anemia, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Older adults
often don’t absorb this vitamin well. A multivitamin with
at least 2 micrograms (mcg) may help.
Making informed decisions
about herbal supplements
Because of the limited regulation of herbal supplements in the
United States, be cautious about using any herb. Read reports
on clinical studies about safety and effectiveness, and tell
your doctor if you’re using herbal products.
Avoid using these herbs:
• Borage, coltsfoot and comfrey
Toxic chemicals called pyrrolizidine alkaloids contained in
these herbs may cause liver disease, lung problems and possi-bly even cancer, especially with long-term use.
Some cases of liver disease have been linked to the use of this
herb. It’s touted as a cure for cancer and as a substance that
slows aging, “cleanses” the blood and helps treat skin prob-lems, but no evidence supports these claims.
• Ephedra (ma-huang) and some substitutes
This popular herb, once found in several weight-loss products,
contains ephedrine, which can stimulate your heart and nervous
system to dangerous levels, causing a heart attack, seizure,
stroke or sudden death. In 2004, the FDA banned the sale of
ephedra. In addition, the FDA states that some ephedra substi-tutes, such as bitter orange
( Citrus aurantium), may present
serious health risks.
• Germanium
Evidence doesn’t support claims that this herb promotes good
health, fights AIDS, cancer and other illnesses, or helps treat
heavy metal (mercury) toxicity. However, there have been
numerous reports of kidney failure, nerve damage and even
some deaths linked to this herb.
• Kava
Also called kava kava, this herb is used for anxiety and insom-nia. Reports of severe liver damage linked to its use have caused
several European countries to pull it off the market. The FDA
has issued warnings but not banned sales. Until more is known,
don’t take kava or products that contain it. If you’ve been using
it, ask your doctor if you need tests to check your liver function.
• Yohimbe
Yohimbe can cause serious side effects, including tremors,
anxiety, high blood pressure and rapid heart rate.
Exercise caution if using these herbs and many others:
• Fever few, garlic, ginger and ginkgo
Taken in high doses or combined with other blood thinners,
such as wayfaring (Coumadin), aspirin or other nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), each of these herbs could
increase the risk of bleeding problems.
• St. John’s wort
Used for mild to moderate depression, St. John’s wort can
alter the effects of many common prescription drugs, such as
warfarin, heart drugs or seizure medications.
How to prevent falls
Many older adults who are hospitalized for a fall never regain
their former level of independence. Losing your independence
— it’s one of the biggest fears you may have about aging.
Falling is one of the most common causes. Use this checklist
to take a fall-prevention inventory of your home:
• All rooms
Keep electrical cords and furniture out of walking paths.
Fasten carpets to the floor with tape or tacks. Don’t use
throw rugs.
• Stairways
Make sure that stairways are well lighted with sturdy
handrails. Carpet runners should not be loose. If you have a
vision problem, apply bright tape to the first and last steps.
• Bathrooms
Install grab handles and nonskid mats inside and just outside
your shower and tub and near the toilet. Shower chairs and
bath benches minimize the risk of falling.
• Kitchens
Don’t use difficult-to-reach shelves. Never stand on a chair.
Use nonskid floor wax and wipe up spills immediately.
Put a light switch by the door and by your bed so you don’t
have to walk across the room to turn on a light. Plug night
lights into electrical outlets in bedrooms, halls and bathrooms.
Preventing yardwork mishaps
Follow these easy steps:
• Save your back
Choose tools with handles long enough to allow you to work
without bending over. Don’t lift oversized packages of fertilizer
or sod. Use a wheelbarrow or just buy smaller packages.
Wear sunscreen
Avoid sunburn by using sunscreen with a minimum sun
protection factor (SPF) of 15.
• Skip the scents
Perfume, scented hair spray or lotion attracts stinging insects.
• Wear light-colored, well-fitting clothes
Bright colors attract insects, too. And loose clothes allow
insects access to your skin.
• Choose sensible shoes
Wear closed-toe, sturdy, nonskid shoes to prevent injuries
from lawn mowers.
• Turn off the lawn mower motor
Then unclog, adjust or fix the equipment. Before refueling,
allow the motor to cool for several minutes. Don’t smoke.
• Handle chemicals carefully
Before spraying bug or weed killers, wait for calm weather.
Wind can blow chemicals back toward you and irritate your
skin. Wear protective goggles, gloves, full-length pants and
a long-sleeved shirt.
Treating puncture wounds
A puncture wound — for example, from stepping on a nail —
usually doesn’t result in excessive bleeding. The wound may
seem to close almost instantly, but it may still be dangerous
because of the risk of infection. If the puncture is deep,
contaminated, or the result of an animal or human bite, seek
medical attention right away. Remember these tips:
• Apply gentle pressure if there’s bleeding
Press down on the wound using a clean soft cloth. If the
wound was deep enough to draw blood, especially if it spurts
or continues to flow after several minutes of pressure — seek
medical attention immediately.
• Clean the wound
Rinse the wound under running water to help remove debris
and bacteria. Don’t use soap — it can irritate the wound. If
dirt or debris remains in the wound after washing, use tweez-ers cleaned with alcohol to remove the particles. If you can’t
remove all the debris, see your doctor. To clean the area
around the wound, use soap and a washcloth.
• Apply an antibiotic
After cleaning the wound, apply a thin layer of an antibiotic
cream or ointment such as Neosporin or Polysporin to help
keep the surface moist. These products discourage infection.
If a rash appears, stop using the product.
• Cover the wound
Bandages can help keep the wound clean and keep harmful
bacteria out. Change the dressing at least daily or whenever
it becomes wet or dirty. If you’re allergic to adhesive, use
adhesive-free dressings or sterile gauze and hypoallergenic
paper tape.
• Watch for signs of infection
See your doctor if the wound doesn’t heal or if you notice
redness, drainage, warmth or swelling.
• Keep tetanus booster shots up to date
Adults generally need tetanus boosters every 10 years. If
you have a deep or dirty cut or wound, and you haven’t had
a tetanus shot within five years, your doctor may recommend
a booster.
Do’s and don’ts for minor burns
Remember these tips:
• Do cool the burn
Hold the burned area under cold running water for about 15 to
20 minutes. If impractical, immerse the burn in cold water or
cover it with cold compresses.
Don’t put ice directly on the burn
Putting ice directly on a burn can cause frostbite and further
damage your skin.
• Do consider a lotion and pain relievers
Once a burn is completely cooled, apply a lotion or moisturizer
to soothe the area and prevent dryness. For sunburn, try 1 per-cent hydrocortisone cream or an anesthetic cream. An over-the-counter pain reliever, such as aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin
IB, others), naproxen (Aleve, others) or acetaminophen (Tylenol,
others) may help.
Don’t use butter
Putting butter on burned skin holds heat in the tissue and may
cause more damage. Applying butter increases your chance
of infection.
• Do bandage a burn
Cover the burn with a sterile gauze bandage. Wrap loosely to
avoid putting too much pressure on the burn. Bandaging
keeps air off the burn and reduces pain.
• Don’t break blisters
However, if the area is tender, snip a tiny hole in the blister
with a small scissors that has been sterilized in alcohol. If the
blister is broken, wash the area with mild antibacterial soap and
water, then apply an antibiotic ointment and a gauze bandage.
Staying clear of lightning
In the United States, hundreds of people are injured or killed
by lightning each year. To protect yourself:
• Stay inside your home or an enclosed building
Keep away from doors, windows and anything that conducts
• Use the 30-30 rule if you’re caught outside
If your view of the storm isn’t obstructed and you see light-ning, count how long it takes until you hear thunder. If it’s
30 seconds or less, seek a safer location right away. If you
can’t see the lightning but you hear thunder, go to a safer
• Avoid trees or tall isolated structures
They’re lightning targets. Avoid small, open picnic pavilions
and rain shelters. If you’re in an open area, drop anything
you’re carrying, get away from other people, and crouch
down as low as possible.
• Seek safety in a car
Close the windows. Cars with plastic or fiberglass roofs and
sides won’t protect you. Get off bicycles and motorcycles.
• Don’t touch metal objects
Drop metal items, such as golf clubs, tools or tennis rackets,
which conduct lightning.
Don’t mix water with lightning
Get out of and away from water — it conducts electricity Mayo Clinic Health SolutionsDon’t wash your hands, and don’t do the dishes or the laundry.
Get out of the shower or tub.
• Turn it off and hang it up
Don’t use electrical appliances or talk on the phone. Light-ning can follow electrical wires and phone lines into your home.
Handling a medical emergency
at home
Keep the numbers of emergency services, such as your doctor,
fire department and police, next to your phone. If your area is
served by 911, call that number first.
• Stay calm
Speak slowly and clearly when describing the incident.
• Be exact about your location
Give your name, phone number, address, apartment number, city
or town, and directions, including landmarks or cross streets.
• Describe the type of help you need
Is it medical, police or fire assistance?
• Give details about the victim’s condition
Is the person bleeding severely? Choking? Unconscious? How
long ago did the incident occur?
• Describe first aid
If someone else is present and giving first aid, what kind is it?
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or other emergency care?
• Describe the victim’s location
Is he or she in the upstairs bedroom? Downstairs on the bath-room floor?
• Listen carefully
Then write down instructions. Ask the dispatcher to repeat the
• Don’t hang up too soon
Wait until the dispatcher tells you to hang up.
• Make sure your house number is clearly visible
If it’s dark, turn a light on outdoors to show your house number.
Healthy ways to deal
with stress
Take common clues to stress — headaches, indigestion, sleep-lessness and sweaty palms — seriously. Learn to manage
stress using these techniques:
• Change the factors you can
You may not be able to walk away from a stressful job or
home situation, but you can develop new responses to defuse
anger or conflict. You can also learn to manage your time
better with stress-lowering techniques — from delegating
household responsibilities to just saying no.
• Exercise regularly
The natural decrease in adrenaline production after exercise
may counteract the stress response. People who are physically
fit handle stress better.
• Relax
Learning techniques such as guided imagery, meditation,
muscle relaxation and relaxed breathing can help you relax.
Your goal is to lower your heart rate and blood pressure while
reducing muscle tension. You can also focus on hobbies or
activities you find calming, such as reading, listening to music
or playing with your pet.
• Find a friend
From dealing with cancer to coping with a troubled relation-ship, social support can help reduce stress and prolong life.
• Recognize when you need help
If stress is keeping you from work or recreation, talk with
your doctor or a specialist in behavioral medicine. Behavioral
therapy is one approach that can help you gain control over
your symptoms.
Mayo Clinic Health Solutions
Getting a good night’s sleep
Sleep deprivation can lead to forgetfulness and problems in
concentration. To sleep better, consider these suggestions:
• Limit time in bed
Spending too much time in bed usually disrupts sleep in the
middle of the night.
• Don’t try too hard to sleep
Read or watch TV until you become drowsy, and then go
to your bedroom to fall asleep naturally. Try to maintain a
regular time for going to bed and for getting up.
• Hide the clock
A visible readout of how long you’ve been unable to sleep
may worry you needlessly.
• Avoid or limit caffeine, smoking and alcohol
Caffeine is a stimulant. Nicotine also can interfere with sleep.
And although alcohol is a depressant and may help you doze
off, it can disrupt restful sleep.
• Exercise and stay active
Regular physical activity and exercise contribute to a restful
sleep. Aim for 30 minutes or more of exercise on most
days. Avoid exercising too close to your bedtime so it doesn’t
interfere with your sleep.
• Watch what you eat before you sleep
A light snack may help you relax before sleeping, but avoid
heavy meals and foods that could cause heartburn. Drink less
liquid before bedtime so that you won’t have to go to the
bathroom as often.
• Avoid or limit naps
Daytime naps can make it harder to fall asleep at night. If you
really need a nap, limit it to 30 minutes or less.
• Check your medications
Ask your doctor if any of your medications — both prescrip-tion and nonprescription — may contribute to insomnia.
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