For the next ninety days, we are going to walk with you each day as you progress on this fitness journey. You’ll learn, be inspired, and get challenged as you make
your way toward better health.
Let’s take a quick refresher course. You now know how to eat to live. Stick with foods that are whole and natural—fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean meats. Stay
away from processed or packaged products and foods that contain a lot of sugar and salt. Don’t forget to balance all your meals with protein, carbohydrates, and
healthy fats. Eat your fiber so your body can be regularly cleansed of toxins and impurities and leave you feeling energized and good all day long. Keep the water bottle
handy and guzzle water all day long.
We don’t want you to go crazy counting calories, but try not to exceed the number of calories you need to help you lose weight slowly, steadily, and healthily. If you
don’t know how many calories are in what foods, check out the CalorieKing Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter to learn more. If you are feeling tired, cranky,
moody, depressed, or upset, don’t use food to try to make you feel better. Eat only to fuel your body and give it proper running power. Don’t eat to fulfill an emotional
need; eat to live.
You also know you need to get moving and activate your body. The important thing is to be physically active daily—whether that means raking leaves, playing with
your kids in the backyard, going for a walk around the block, or hitting the gym. Sometimes all you have to do is just get off the couch. Substitute any kind of movement
for a sedentary lifestyle.
Follow our three-tier fitness plan in appendix E, which will provide you with some great fat-blasting cardio and strength-training exercises. Every thirty days, your plan
will change to a little more intense one. After all, as times goes by, you will be losing weight, feeling better, and getting stronger. If you want to follow a different exercise
routine, go to your local library or bookstore and check out the following books to help you on your way:
• The Biggest Loser Fitness Program: Fast, Safe, and Effective Workouts to Target and Tone Your Trouble Spots —Adapted from NBC’s Hit Show! by
The Biggest Loser experts and cast, with Maggie Greenwood-Robinson
• Shape Magazine’s Ultimate Body Book: 4 Weeks to Your Best Abs, Butt, Thighs, and More by Linda Shelton with Angela Hynes
• Fitness for Dummies by Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent
Throughout this challenge, we will be right by your side as you move into a new, healthier you. Each day will be a new adventure where you will learn more and feel
better about yourself. Every day for the next ninety days, we will present you with
• some inspiring thoughts to help you get through the day
• health tips, because taking care of ourselves is a constant learning process
• space to write down your food and calorie intake (remember how important food journaling is) as well as your exercise
• journaling space for you to write down some of your thoughts (you might want to get a separate notebook if you need more space)
These daily fitness challenges are divided into eleven segments over the ninety days. The final devotion in each segment is a success story, an email we’ve received
from someone who has participated in the “Challenge.” We are confident these stories will encourage you as you “write” your own. If you want to be further inspired
and encouraged, go to and create a profile where you can share your journey with others who are on the same path. You might even find a
support group in your area.
One last thing. We are so proud you’ve decided to start this journey with us. We know you can accomplish all your goals. Go to appendix A and look at where you
are. Remind yourself of your goals and where you want to be ninety days from now.
We know you can do this. We know you can meet your goals. We know you can change your life for the better and forever. You are on the road to better health,
and before you know it, you will start seeing some changes in your health, body, and mind that will just amaze you. Get ready to see some lasting and mind-blowing
Now let’s get started
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
hen you were a little kid, did you dream of having an average, mediocre, or boring life? I suspect not. When I was a little girl I wanted to be just like Loretta Lynn.
I would stand in the living room and sing “Coal Miner’s Daughter” at the top of my lungs, pretending to be her. My dad was a radio announcer, and when I turned
six, he gave me the best surprise. He took me to a country music show where I had the opportunity to go backstage and meet my idol. Loretta even let me sit on her lap
while she waited to go on stage. I will never forget that day. I remember every detail of it, even what she was wearing.
Unfortunately, I was no Loretta Lynn. I couldn’t sing at all. So I let go of that dream and moved on to other things. But I never stopped dreaming.
Early in our lives most of us dream big dreams. We want to do things that seem impossible. We want to live a life that contributes to mankind in an important way.
I am convinced that we allow setbacks in life to cause us to stop dreaming. When we experience heartbreak or difficulty, our inclination is to protect ourselves by not
trying to reach a goal or commit to something that might bring us pain again. My challenge to you today is to not give up; keep your dream alive. If you got knocked
down, it’s time to get back up. If you failed many times with getting fit, it’s time to try one more time.
I know it can be easy to get stuck in a routine, especially if you’ve lost your desire to dream. And let’s be honest. Sometimes life can be mundane and boring, the
same old stuff day in and day out. Don’t let life get you down; it can become exciting once again. Remember where Phil and I were and where we are today. Our lives
have completely changed, and yours can too.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Think about some dreams you may have had that have disappeared or are stored away somewhere in your heart. What do you still dream you can become or do
with your life? This can be about your weight-loss goals or something unrelated to your health, such as starting a new business, learning a new hobby, or getting a
master’s degree. Whatever your desires, write them down on a piece of paper and put it where you can see it and be reminded each day.
Tip of the Day
Studies have shown that people who write down their dreams or goals have an 80 percent greater chance of achieving them. Grab a bunch of Post-it notes and write
something on them that relates to your dream. You can write down whatever you want as long as it is goal-oriented and centers on your desires. Then put them all over
your home, your car, or at work. Seeing them written down will encourage you to keep on going.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 2—TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE“There is no time like the present.”
_________________ A Note from Phil _________________
Often, we don’t rise to meet challenges because of the time it will take to finish the task. Many things we want to do take a lot of work and usually more time than we
anticipate. This can be very frustrating. Here’s a little secret: time moves on with or without you.
A coworker once told me he wished he was brave enough to leave his current job and attend medical school. Being a doctor was this man’s lifelong goal, but it
would take a lot of time to get there—eight years of schooling and residency. This was much too long for him, so he chose to keep his job and forget about his dream.
Thirteen years have passed since that conversation. I’ve often thought about how his life would have been different had he pursued his goal. This man would be in his
fifth year of practice as a physician, but instead he continues working at that same job. Time will pass whether you accomplish your goals or not.
When we were on the ranch, all of us on the show dropped a tremendous amount of weight in what seemed like a short time. Viewers at home were excited because
of what they thought were fast results. That wasn’t the case, of course. It took us a lot of time and hard work to lose weight, certainly more time than the thirty minutes
shown on TV once a week. Some days we were exercising up to eight hours a day!
Now is the time to remind yourself that you did not put on all your weight in three months, so you can’t expect it all to come off in three months. If you consistently
stick to the program, in time you will reach your dream of being fit and thin. It will just take time, maybe even a little longer than you expect. The most important thing to
keep in mind is that in the next ninety days, you will make incredible progress and be well on your way to reaching your goals. Those ninety days will pass whether you
choose to reach your goals. Be inspired to be fit and healthy in three months.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Promise yourself to live one day at a time. (On some days it’ll be one hour at a time.) If you do this, eventually you will reach your goals.
Tip of the Day
Find a Bible verse or positive affirmation that is inspiring and meaningful to your life. Memorize it and say it out loud every morning after you brush your teeth. Here is
an example: “It’s more stressful to continue being fat than to stop overeating.” Keep positive.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
Here’s the one important thing to remember with oxygen masks. Put your mask on first before doing anything for anyone else.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
hen you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you that in the case of an emergency, you must put on your oxygen mask first before you help the person
next to you, even if it’s your own child. It seems backward as most of us are used to putting others before ourselves. But how are you going to help the person
next to you if you are unable to breathe yourself?
Women are especially notorious for doing everything for everyone else and putting themselves on the back burner. What I have learned from talking to people all
over the country is that there is a universal feeling of guilt when we care for our needs. Many of us feel guilty all the time. I truly believe guilt is a wasted emotion. Feeling
guilty doesn’t change a single thing.
One thing that I hope you lose in this challenge, besides weight, is the guilt associated with taking time for yourself. You must take time for you. You must take the
time to exercise, to cook your meals, to recharge by getting adequate sleep. You must take the time to love yourself. You must have your own identity and remember
who you are. You are more than a spouse or a parent or a friend or a sibling. You must make yourself healthy and happy first before you can really help others.
As children we dream of what we’re going to do or be when we grow up. As we get older we have so much to do that sometimes our dreams get lost in the shuffle.
Don’t let this happen to you. Realize that taking time for you is a good thing. It helps you to have the energy and stability of mind to take care of the ones you love.
Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that fight depression and help to ease anxiety. Rest helps your body to recover so you can deal with the stresses of life. God
rested on the seventh day for a reason. He was setting an example for us to follow because He made our bodies and He knows what is best for them.
Make time for you a priority today.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Block out at least three to four times a week for exercise. Put this in your calendar and organize your day around this time. If you have children, most fitness centers
provide childcare. If not, exercise when your kids are in school or find a neighbor or friend who understands how much this health journey means to you and ask if she
can watch them for a while. You have to find the time to make working out a priority. It just might save your life.
Tip of the Day
When shopping, park in the parking space farthest from the entrance instead of driving around to find the closest spot. Make this a habit every time you go shopping.
You will burn calories and get some well-needed fresh air.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 4—DREAMS AND VISIONS“The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words,
pictures and emotions as if we’ve already achieved them.”
_________________ A Note from Phil _________________
The Bible says that in the last days God will pour His Spirit out on all flesh and that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams (Acts 2:17). Why do
you suppose the young men are the ones seeing the visions? Why not the middle-aged or seniors? I believe it is because you have to have a vision (early) before you
can dream the dream (later). I like to think of a vision as a plan. It is how you see yourself getting to where you want to go.
For example, you may want to write a book one day, but to make that dream come true you have to map out a plan of action. You have to have an idea. You have
to write a book proposal. You may want to get a literary agent. And, of course, you have to actually write a book. Then when all the steps are finished, you have a
dream that is realized.
We have talked about dreaming about what you want your life to be, but in order for your dreams to happen you have to have a specific vision. You have to create a
plan. You have to list objectives. And you have to commit to meeting your goals.
Take the time and ask God what His purpose is for your life. You probably already have a hint because His plan always fulfills your very deepest desires, desires that
He has already placed in your heart. Doing what He has called you to do means you are going to be fulfilled. As you pray, ask Him for the steps to fulfill that dream.
And spend time doing your own research. See what steps you need to climb to get where you want to go. These steps will be your vision. Walk out that vision and live
your dreams.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
If you are reading this book, we both already know that one of your dreams is to be fitter and healthier in ninety days. In the journal space, write down five mini-goals
of how you will get there. For example, if you want to lose twenty pounds, how will you do that? What mini-goals will you need to accomplish every day in order to
meet the ninety-day goal? Begin with “I will…”
Tip of the Day
Sometimes we can sabotage our own success. It’s hard to do something challenging on our own. We can become discouraged. The journey might be lonely. We may
think that no one understands what we are going through. In these moments you need support. Many local churches and communities offer faith-based support groups
for weight loss. Check your local paper and see if there is one in your area you can join.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 5—FAITH MATTERS“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
That do you think about when you read the above verse? Do you get it? Does it make sense? Or does it sound like a riddle or a mystery? I was confused about this
verse for a long time. Since faith is intangible, how can it be the “substance of things hoped for”? And since you can’t see faith, how can it be “evidence”?
One pastor helped me to understand this verse by likening the faith in your heart to a blueprint for what you want. Let’s say you want to own your dream home. The
blueprint is not the house, but it is the evidence that you plan to build a house. It is the guide that shows you in great detail what the finished product is going to look like.
What is faith? Faith believes without a shadow of doubt that the dream in your heart will happen. You may have been too afraid to believe for big things for your life.
You may have tried and failed before. You may have been disappointed by other people letting you down. I encourage you today to never give up the faith. The Bible
tells us that “without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”
(Hebrews 11:6 NKJV). So go diligently toward your dreams and have faith.
You might not know what your body will look like after you lose thirty or fifty pounds. So many of us have been overweight for so long, we cannot even grasp what
it’s like to live like a thin person. Let faith fuel you to picture yourself as a thin person. Let faith fuel you to picture yourself finally fitting into your old clothes. Let faith
fuel you to picture yourself running around with your kids on the playground. Maybe you have only a little bit of faith right now and can’t fully fathom reaching your
dream weight. Just focus on a smaller goal, such as losing ten or twenty pounds. The closer you get to your goal, the more your faith will stretch. Don’t give up!
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Faith works by love so if you have unforgiveness in your heart toward anyone today, release that burden so God can work in your life. Write a letter to the person
who has hurt you (you don’t have to mail it if you don’t want to). If you feel the need, you can pick up the phone and call them, or just release this burden silently from
your heart. The less emotional baggage you have, the easier it will be to focus on losing the physical weight.
Tip of the Day
Do you need some inspiration or motivation while you work out? Try an audio book or download a faith message onto your iPod. It will give you the strength to keep
on striving toward your dream.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 6—NEW THRILLS“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
_________________ A Notes from Phil _________________
Then I got back from The Biggest Loser campus, I went on a vacation with my family to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. One of the things we wanted to do was visit the
Dollywood Theme Park. Before my weight loss, I hated theme parks. I would find any reason why I couldn’t go. All I could think about was the walking, the
sweating, the lines, the people, and that I didn’t fit on any of the cool rides.
I remember going to a local amusement park and wanting to ride the go-carts with my sons. I found myself making excuses about why we should play miniature golf
instead. Secretly I was scared I wouldn’t fit in the cart or that I would get stuck in the seat and embarrass my kids. My life once again was dictated to me by my weight.
I avoided amusement parks at all costs.
Now here I was at Dollywood with my family as a thinner man. This time was different. I was excited about going to the theme park because we were going to walk
and do fun things. It was a great feeling to know I was burning calories and having fun at the same time (that’s how much my mentality had changed). I could not wait to
get on the roller coaster and even considered bungee jumping.
Only three months after my transformation, I was looking at life from a completely new perspective. I was starting to live again. Not only did I have a great time at
Dollywood that day with my family, with my new mindset I started to think of other things I could do. I started talking about going water skiing. I started dreaming of big
and small things I could do that would continue to make my life fun.
You too can experience the joys of fulfilling the dreams of your life, even the things you were never able to do before or haven’t done in a while. Life will become fun
again for you. Always keep the dreams alive in your heart. You will get there!
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Write down one activity you have avoided doing because of your weight. Describe why you have avoided it and how it made you feel. Now imagine how it would
feel to do that activity with the new you, thinner and full of energy. Write down as many details as you can below. Ninety days from now, this will be the new you!
Tip of the Day
Find a picture of a healthy and thin person that is inspiring to you. It could be an athlete from a magazine, or even a photo of you when you were thinner. Be realistic
about this. Don’t choose a picture from when you were thin at thirteen or of an anorexic model in a magazine. The picture should make you feel good and excited about
what you can achieve in the next ninety days. Tape this photo to your fridge so you can see it every day.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
“If you think you can do it or you think you can’t do it, you are right.”
sther is a beautiful young mom who let life and the responsibilities of taking care of others overwhelm her. She was so busy tending to everyone else that her health
fell by the wayside. When we met her for the first time at one of our “Challenge” events, Esther seemed quiet and shy. We had no idea how emotional that day was
for her. When you read her story below, you will find out what changed in her life.
“In the past nine years, I’ve slowly gained eighty-five pounds. I struggled with my weight but never dealt with it because I was too busy with my life and my family. A
year ago, I went to a children’s gym called Pump-It-Up with my beautiful daughter, Isabel. I was so out of shape, it was a struggle for me to do all the activities with
her. I was so embarrassed by how red and sweaty I got and by how much trouble I had breathing. I decided I needed to get in shape.
“I hired a personal trainer, and over the next few months, I did weight training consistently. I became stronger, but I didn’t lose any weight. My trainer told me there
are three keys to weight loss: eating right, cardio, and weight training. I was missing two of the three keys. I almost never did any cardio and my food habits were
horrible. Even though I knew this, I still didn’t make any permanent changes.
“At the end of December 2008, my husband and I took our daughter to the beach. I thought it would be fun to take some pictures. Little did I know this would be
the catalyst for losing weight. Days later, when I saw myself in the pictures, I cried and literally felt sick to my stomach. I thought I looked like Jabba the Hutt in the Star
Wars movies. I hit rock bottom. How had I not noticed how large I was?
“I found out about the ‘90-Day Fitness Challenge’ from a coworker a few weeks afterward. She helped give me the courage to go to the event once I learned there
wouldn’t be a public weigh-in. I refused to share my weight with anyone except my doctor. After the ‘Challenge,’ I measured and weighed myself at home. More tears.
The reality of how much I weighed and my waist measurement was so embarrassing. I couldn’t believe just nine years ago I had a 28-inch waist. I felt hideous about my
weight gain.
“I realized I was an emotional eater. I had to learn to deal with my emotions without depending on food to make me feel better. I had to change my negative thinking
and not believing I could lose weight to thinking positively. I started working out five to six times a week using weights and doing cardio. I started eating four to five
meals a day. My dear husband has been wonderful by cooking healthier and being supportive of my health goals.
“I feel so much better, stronger, and healthier than I have in years. I even took up running and joined a running club. I recently completed the USMC Mud Run in
Columbia, South Carolina, and have started running in 5K races. I can’t wait to start training for 10K races in December. It’s weird to see my ‘before’ picture because
I don’t recognize that person anymore.”
Mini-Challenge of the Day
For today, play! Find a child (yours or someone else’s) and play with them for thirty minutes. Run with them, jump with them, take them to the park and chase them
around. If you can’t find a child, borrow a pet and do the same thing.
Tip of the Day
Did you know that the most inexpensive protein sources in the supermarket are eggs, tuna, and chicken? Remember this next time you’re shopping on a budget.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
your way toward better health.
Let’s take a quick refresher course. You now know how to eat to live. Stick with foods that are whole and natural—fruits, vegetables, nuts, and lean meats. Stay
away from processed or packaged products and foods that contain a lot of sugar and salt. Don’t forget to balance all your meals with protein, carbohydrates, and
healthy fats. Eat your fiber so your body can be regularly cleansed of toxins and impurities and leave you feeling energized and good all day long. Keep the water bottle
handy and guzzle water all day long.
We don’t want you to go crazy counting calories, but try not to exceed the number of calories you need to help you lose weight slowly, steadily, and healthily. If you
don’t know how many calories are in what foods, check out the CalorieKing Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter to learn more. If you are feeling tired, cranky,
moody, depressed, or upset, don’t use food to try to make you feel better. Eat only to fuel your body and give it proper running power. Don’t eat to fulfill an emotional
need; eat to live.
You also know you need to get moving and activate your body. The important thing is to be physically active daily—whether that means raking leaves, playing with
your kids in the backyard, going for a walk around the block, or hitting the gym. Sometimes all you have to do is just get off the couch. Substitute any kind of movement
for a sedentary lifestyle.
Follow our three-tier fitness plan in appendix E, which will provide you with some great fat-blasting cardio and strength-training exercises. Every thirty days, your plan
will change to a little more intense one. After all, as times goes by, you will be losing weight, feeling better, and getting stronger. If you want to follow a different exercise
routine, go to your local library or bookstore and check out the following books to help you on your way:
• The Biggest Loser Fitness Program: Fast, Safe, and Effective Workouts to Target and Tone Your Trouble Spots —Adapted from NBC’s Hit Show! by
The Biggest Loser experts and cast, with Maggie Greenwood-Robinson
• Shape Magazine’s Ultimate Body Book: 4 Weeks to Your Best Abs, Butt, Thighs, and More by Linda Shelton with Angela Hynes
• Fitness for Dummies by Suzanne Schlosberg and Liz Neporent
Throughout this challenge, we will be right by your side as you move into a new, healthier you. Each day will be a new adventure where you will learn more and feel
better about yourself. Every day for the next ninety days, we will present you with
• some inspiring thoughts to help you get through the day
• health tips, because taking care of ourselves is a constant learning process
• space to write down your food and calorie intake (remember how important food journaling is) as well as your exercise
• journaling space for you to write down some of your thoughts (you might want to get a separate notebook if you need more space)
These daily fitness challenges are divided into eleven segments over the ninety days. The final devotion in each segment is a success story, an email we’ve received
from someone who has participated in the “Challenge.” We are confident these stories will encourage you as you “write” your own. If you want to be further inspired
and encouraged, go to and create a profile where you can share your journey with others who are on the same path. You might even find a
support group in your area.
One last thing. We are so proud you’ve decided to start this journey with us. We know you can accomplish all your goals. Go to appendix A and look at where you
are. Remind yourself of your goals and where you want to be ninety days from now.
We know you can do this. We know you can meet your goals. We know you can change your life for the better and forever. You are on the road to better health,
and before you know it, you will start seeing some changes in your health, body, and mind that will just amaze you. Get ready to see some lasting and mind-blowing
Now let’s get started
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
hen you were a little kid, did you dream of having an average, mediocre, or boring life? I suspect not. When I was a little girl I wanted to be just like Loretta Lynn.
I would stand in the living room and sing “Coal Miner’s Daughter” at the top of my lungs, pretending to be her. My dad was a radio announcer, and when I turned
six, he gave me the best surprise. He took me to a country music show where I had the opportunity to go backstage and meet my idol. Loretta even let me sit on her lap
while she waited to go on stage. I will never forget that day. I remember every detail of it, even what she was wearing.
Unfortunately, I was no Loretta Lynn. I couldn’t sing at all. So I let go of that dream and moved on to other things. But I never stopped dreaming.
Early in our lives most of us dream big dreams. We want to do things that seem impossible. We want to live a life that contributes to mankind in an important way.
I am convinced that we allow setbacks in life to cause us to stop dreaming. When we experience heartbreak or difficulty, our inclination is to protect ourselves by not
trying to reach a goal or commit to something that might bring us pain again. My challenge to you today is to not give up; keep your dream alive. If you got knocked
down, it’s time to get back up. If you failed many times with getting fit, it’s time to try one more time.
I know it can be easy to get stuck in a routine, especially if you’ve lost your desire to dream. And let’s be honest. Sometimes life can be mundane and boring, the
same old stuff day in and day out. Don’t let life get you down; it can become exciting once again. Remember where Phil and I were and where we are today. Our lives
have completely changed, and yours can too.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Think about some dreams you may have had that have disappeared or are stored away somewhere in your heart. What do you still dream you can become or do
with your life? This can be about your weight-loss goals or something unrelated to your health, such as starting a new business, learning a new hobby, or getting a
master’s degree. Whatever your desires, write them down on a piece of paper and put it where you can see it and be reminded each day.
Tip of the Day
Studies have shown that people who write down their dreams or goals have an 80 percent greater chance of achieving them. Grab a bunch of Post-it notes and write
something on them that relates to your dream. You can write down whatever you want as long as it is goal-oriented and centers on your desires. Then put them all over
your home, your car, or at work. Seeing them written down will encourage you to keep on going.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 2—TIME IS ON YOUR SIDE“There is no time like the present.”
_________________ A Note from Phil _________________
Often, we don’t rise to meet challenges because of the time it will take to finish the task. Many things we want to do take a lot of work and usually more time than we
anticipate. This can be very frustrating. Here’s a little secret: time moves on with or without you.
A coworker once told me he wished he was brave enough to leave his current job and attend medical school. Being a doctor was this man’s lifelong goal, but it
would take a lot of time to get there—eight years of schooling and residency. This was much too long for him, so he chose to keep his job and forget about his dream.
Thirteen years have passed since that conversation. I’ve often thought about how his life would have been different had he pursued his goal. This man would be in his
fifth year of practice as a physician, but instead he continues working at that same job. Time will pass whether you accomplish your goals or not.
When we were on the ranch, all of us on the show dropped a tremendous amount of weight in what seemed like a short time. Viewers at home were excited because
of what they thought were fast results. That wasn’t the case, of course. It took us a lot of time and hard work to lose weight, certainly more time than the thirty minutes
shown on TV once a week. Some days we were exercising up to eight hours a day!
Now is the time to remind yourself that you did not put on all your weight in three months, so you can’t expect it all to come off in three months. If you consistently
stick to the program, in time you will reach your dream of being fit and thin. It will just take time, maybe even a little longer than you expect. The most important thing to
keep in mind is that in the next ninety days, you will make incredible progress and be well on your way to reaching your goals. Those ninety days will pass whether you
choose to reach your goals. Be inspired to be fit and healthy in three months.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Promise yourself to live one day at a time. (On some days it’ll be one hour at a time.) If you do this, eventually you will reach your goals.
Tip of the Day
Find a Bible verse or positive affirmation that is inspiring and meaningful to your life. Memorize it and say it out loud every morning after you brush your teeth. Here is
an example: “It’s more stressful to continue being fat than to stop overeating.” Keep positive.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
Here’s the one important thing to remember with oxygen masks. Put your mask on first before doing anything for anyone else.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
hen you fly on an airplane, the flight attendant always tells you that in the case of an emergency, you must put on your oxygen mask first before you help the person
next to you, even if it’s your own child. It seems backward as most of us are used to putting others before ourselves. But how are you going to help the person
next to you if you are unable to breathe yourself?
Women are especially notorious for doing everything for everyone else and putting themselves on the back burner. What I have learned from talking to people all
over the country is that there is a universal feeling of guilt when we care for our needs. Many of us feel guilty all the time. I truly believe guilt is a wasted emotion. Feeling
guilty doesn’t change a single thing.
One thing that I hope you lose in this challenge, besides weight, is the guilt associated with taking time for yourself. You must take time for you. You must take the
time to exercise, to cook your meals, to recharge by getting adequate sleep. You must take the time to love yourself. You must have your own identity and remember
who you are. You are more than a spouse or a parent or a friend or a sibling. You must make yourself healthy and happy first before you can really help others.
As children we dream of what we’re going to do or be when we grow up. As we get older we have so much to do that sometimes our dreams get lost in the shuffle.
Don’t let this happen to you. Realize that taking time for you is a good thing. It helps you to have the energy and stability of mind to take care of the ones you love.
Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that fight depression and help to ease anxiety. Rest helps your body to recover so you can deal with the stresses of life. God
rested on the seventh day for a reason. He was setting an example for us to follow because He made our bodies and He knows what is best for them.
Make time for you a priority today.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Block out at least three to four times a week for exercise. Put this in your calendar and organize your day around this time. If you have children, most fitness centers
provide childcare. If not, exercise when your kids are in school or find a neighbor or friend who understands how much this health journey means to you and ask if she
can watch them for a while. You have to find the time to make working out a priority. It just might save your life.
Tip of the Day
When shopping, park in the parking space farthest from the entrance instead of driving around to find the closest spot. Make this a habit every time you go shopping.
You will burn calories and get some well-needed fresh air.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 4—DREAMS AND VISIONS“The secret to productive goal setting is in establishing clearly defined goals, writing them down and then focusing on them several times a day with words,
pictures and emotions as if we’ve already achieved them.”
_________________ A Note from Phil _________________
The Bible says that in the last days God will pour His Spirit out on all flesh and that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams (Acts 2:17). Why do
you suppose the young men are the ones seeing the visions? Why not the middle-aged or seniors? I believe it is because you have to have a vision (early) before you
can dream the dream (later). I like to think of a vision as a plan. It is how you see yourself getting to where you want to go.
For example, you may want to write a book one day, but to make that dream come true you have to map out a plan of action. You have to have an idea. You have
to write a book proposal. You may want to get a literary agent. And, of course, you have to actually write a book. Then when all the steps are finished, you have a
dream that is realized.
We have talked about dreaming about what you want your life to be, but in order for your dreams to happen you have to have a specific vision. You have to create a
plan. You have to list objectives. And you have to commit to meeting your goals.
Take the time and ask God what His purpose is for your life. You probably already have a hint because His plan always fulfills your very deepest desires, desires that
He has already placed in your heart. Doing what He has called you to do means you are going to be fulfilled. As you pray, ask Him for the steps to fulfill that dream.
And spend time doing your own research. See what steps you need to climb to get where you want to go. These steps will be your vision. Walk out that vision and live
your dreams.
Mini-Challenge of the Day
If you are reading this book, we both already know that one of your dreams is to be fitter and healthier in ninety days. In the journal space, write down five mini-goals
of how you will get there. For example, if you want to lose twenty pounds, how will you do that? What mini-goals will you need to accomplish every day in order to
meet the ninety-day goal? Begin with “I will…”
Tip of the Day
Sometimes we can sabotage our own success. It’s hard to do something challenging on our own. We can become discouraged. The journey might be lonely. We may
think that no one understands what we are going through. In these moments you need support. Many local churches and communities offer faith-based support groups
for weight loss. Check your local paper and see if there is one in your area you can join.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 5—FAITH MATTERS“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
_________________ A Word from Amy _________________
That do you think about when you read the above verse? Do you get it? Does it make sense? Or does it sound like a riddle or a mystery? I was confused about this
verse for a long time. Since faith is intangible, how can it be the “substance of things hoped for”? And since you can’t see faith, how can it be “evidence”?
One pastor helped me to understand this verse by likening the faith in your heart to a blueprint for what you want. Let’s say you want to own your dream home. The
blueprint is not the house, but it is the evidence that you plan to build a house. It is the guide that shows you in great detail what the finished product is going to look like.
What is faith? Faith believes without a shadow of doubt that the dream in your heart will happen. You may have been too afraid to believe for big things for your life.
You may have tried and failed before. You may have been disappointed by other people letting you down. I encourage you today to never give up the faith. The Bible
tells us that “without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”
(Hebrews 11:6 NKJV). So go diligently toward your dreams and have faith.
You might not know what your body will look like after you lose thirty or fifty pounds. So many of us have been overweight for so long, we cannot even grasp what
it’s like to live like a thin person. Let faith fuel you to picture yourself as a thin person. Let faith fuel you to picture yourself finally fitting into your old clothes. Let faith
fuel you to picture yourself running around with your kids on the playground. Maybe you have only a little bit of faith right now and can’t fully fathom reaching your
dream weight. Just focus on a smaller goal, such as losing ten or twenty pounds. The closer you get to your goal, the more your faith will stretch. Don’t give up!
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Faith works by love so if you have unforgiveness in your heart toward anyone today, release that burden so God can work in your life. Write a letter to the person
who has hurt you (you don’t have to mail it if you don’t want to). If you feel the need, you can pick up the phone and call them, or just release this burden silently from
your heart. The less emotional baggage you have, the easier it will be to focus on losing the physical weight.
Tip of the Day
Do you need some inspiration or motivation while you work out? Try an audio book or download a faith message onto your iPod. It will give you the strength to keep
on striving toward your dream.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
DAY 6—NEW THRILLS“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
_________________ A Notes from Phil _________________
Then I got back from The Biggest Loser campus, I went on a vacation with my family to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. One of the things we wanted to do was visit the
Dollywood Theme Park. Before my weight loss, I hated theme parks. I would find any reason why I couldn’t go. All I could think about was the walking, the
sweating, the lines, the people, and that I didn’t fit on any of the cool rides.
I remember going to a local amusement park and wanting to ride the go-carts with my sons. I found myself making excuses about why we should play miniature golf
instead. Secretly I was scared I wouldn’t fit in the cart or that I would get stuck in the seat and embarrass my kids. My life once again was dictated to me by my weight.
I avoided amusement parks at all costs.
Now here I was at Dollywood with my family as a thinner man. This time was different. I was excited about going to the theme park because we were going to walk
and do fun things. It was a great feeling to know I was burning calories and having fun at the same time (that’s how much my mentality had changed). I could not wait to
get on the roller coaster and even considered bungee jumping.
Only three months after my transformation, I was looking at life from a completely new perspective. I was starting to live again. Not only did I have a great time at
Dollywood that day with my family, with my new mindset I started to think of other things I could do. I started talking about going water skiing. I started dreaming of big
and small things I could do that would continue to make my life fun.
You too can experience the joys of fulfilling the dreams of your life, even the things you were never able to do before or haven’t done in a while. Life will become fun
again for you. Always keep the dreams alive in your heart. You will get there!
Mini-Challenge of the Day
Write down one activity you have avoided doing because of your weight. Describe why you have avoided it and how it made you feel. Now imagine how it would
feel to do that activity with the new you, thinner and full of energy. Write down as many details as you can below. Ninety days from now, this will be the new you!
Tip of the Day
Find a picture of a healthy and thin person that is inspiring to you. It could be an athlete from a magazine, or even a photo of you when you were thinner. Be realistic
about this. Don’t choose a picture from when you were thin at thirteen or of an anorexic model in a magazine. The picture should make you feel good and excited about
what you can achieve in the next ninety days. Tape this photo to your fridge so you can see it every day.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
“If you think you can do it or you think you can’t do it, you are right.”
sther is a beautiful young mom who let life and the responsibilities of taking care of others overwhelm her. She was so busy tending to everyone else that her health
fell by the wayside. When we met her for the first time at one of our “Challenge” events, Esther seemed quiet and shy. We had no idea how emotional that day was
for her. When you read her story below, you will find out what changed in her life.
“In the past nine years, I’ve slowly gained eighty-five pounds. I struggled with my weight but never dealt with it because I was too busy with my life and my family. A
year ago, I went to a children’s gym called Pump-It-Up with my beautiful daughter, Isabel. I was so out of shape, it was a struggle for me to do all the activities with
her. I was so embarrassed by how red and sweaty I got and by how much trouble I had breathing. I decided I needed to get in shape.
“I hired a personal trainer, and over the next few months, I did weight training consistently. I became stronger, but I didn’t lose any weight. My trainer told me there
are three keys to weight loss: eating right, cardio, and weight training. I was missing two of the three keys. I almost never did any cardio and my food habits were
horrible. Even though I knew this, I still didn’t make any permanent changes.
“At the end of December 2008, my husband and I took our daughter to the beach. I thought it would be fun to take some pictures. Little did I know this would be
the catalyst for losing weight. Days later, when I saw myself in the pictures, I cried and literally felt sick to my stomach. I thought I looked like Jabba the Hutt in the Star
Wars movies. I hit rock bottom. How had I not noticed how large I was?
“I found out about the ‘90-Day Fitness Challenge’ from a coworker a few weeks afterward. She helped give me the courage to go to the event once I learned there
wouldn’t be a public weigh-in. I refused to share my weight with anyone except my doctor. After the ‘Challenge,’ I measured and weighed myself at home. More tears.
The reality of how much I weighed and my waist measurement was so embarrassing. I couldn’t believe just nine years ago I had a 28-inch waist. I felt hideous about my
weight gain.
“I realized I was an emotional eater. I had to learn to deal with my emotions without depending on food to make me feel better. I had to change my negative thinking
and not believing I could lose weight to thinking positively. I started working out five to six times a week using weights and doing cardio. I started eating four to five
meals a day. My dear husband has been wonderful by cooking healthier and being supportive of my health goals.
“I feel so much better, stronger, and healthier than I have in years. I even took up running and joined a running club. I recently completed the USMC Mud Run in
Columbia, South Carolina, and have started running in 5K races. I can’t wait to start training for 10K races in December. It’s weird to see my ‘before’ picture because
I don’t recognize that person anymore.”
Mini-Challenge of the Day
For today, play! Find a child (yours or someone else’s) and play with them for thirty minutes. Run with them, jump with them, take them to the park and chase them
around. If you can’t find a child, borrow a pet and do the same thing.
Tip of the Day
Did you know that the most inexpensive protein sources in the supermarket are eggs, tuna, and chicken? Remember this next time you’re shopping on a budget.
Meal Record Your Food & Water Intake for the Day Calories
Fitness Plan
Cardio activity: _______________________ Time:_________ Miles:______
Intensity level (circle one): L M H
Strength training (circle): Lower body Upper body Core
My Thoughts
I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
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